Libyan court rules elected parliament illegal
Dissolution by Supreme Court of UN-backed legislature based in Tobruk sets stage for more chaos in divided country.
Ahrar al-Sham struck in Idlib province and al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front attacked in western Aleppo, activists say.
Hague court says decision taken despite "reasonable basis" to believe war crimes were committed during 2010 raid.
Accusations come amid introduction of new passport controls around separatist-held areas and eruption of artillery fire.
Palace says Israeli PM vowed no change in al-Aqsa status quo, day after clashes in compound over settlers' actions.
Confidential report says US killing of Ahmed Abdi Godane will not halt attacks by the armed group in East Africa.
Italy has second largest Bangladeshi community in Europe after Britain, many of whom have been smuggled or trafficked.
Tunisian town that attracts a million tourists a year has become supplier of self-declared 'jihadists'.
Disappointed with US foreign policy, countries view Republican wins as the end of any real action from the president.
Jamie Tarabay
As Israel looks to jail stone-throwers up to 20 years, soldiers search home of a boy who accidentally dropped a marble.
Livestock are major source of income in India-administered region, where people are waiting for compensation.
Lebanese Shia mark Ashura amid increasing security threats and sectarian tensions.
Recovery plan received a recent shot in the arm by the central bank, but it remains in the shadow of staggering debt.
People & Power06 Nov 2014 07:17 GMT
Persecuted Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar face a dangerous journey on their way to freedom in Thailand and Malaysia.
Witness06 Nov 2014 10:21 GMT
Activists brush with the law and the mafia in their bid to rescue songbirds from ending up on European dinner tables.
Gaza's children talk about the loss of the places in which they once felt safe, their small universes - their bedrooms.
Thousands of families still in limbo as the Philippines struggles to recover from the devastating typhoon.
Uganda's parliament is debating a tough new narcotics-control bill that critics say would unfairly punish the poor.
Residents of conflict-ravaged Donetsk struggle in makeshift shelters as a cold winter of uncertainty takes hold.
Three years of conflict leave roughly 2.8-million children without proper education, and into the workforce.
Native inhabitants get back Maralinga, a remote place used by the British to test nuclear weapons in the 1980s and '90s.
Artist puts whole new meaning to technology, becoming the world's first human-cyborg.
National power company cannot meet demand and recent power grid collapse caused one of the largest blackouts.
Environmental Investigation Agency says Chinese-led gangs are colluding with Tanzanian officials to smuggle ivory.
Kurdish forces say more British assistance is needed in their battle against Sunni group.
Alexandru Visinescu, who ran Ramnicu Sarat jail from 1956 to 1963 during communist rule, says he was following orders.
Decision to reinstate ruling party's secretary-general following his sacking by nation's interim president raises hopes.
Al Jazeera profiles what lies ahead for a country in transition, struggling to decide the democracy it should become.
Mobile phone companies are all vying for market share in India, with 1.2 billion people.
Compared to other diseases, Ebola is not especially contagious - but has a far higher fatality rate and no proven cure.
Pinpointing military and humanitarian aid from nations in the international struggle against the armed group.
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