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7 November 2014

Ekho Moskvy Journalist Fired Over “Insensitive” Tweet, Radio Station's Fate In Limbo

RuNet Echo

A comment made on Twitter by a veteran Ekho Moskvy journalist has caused him trouble with the radio station's owners and possibly cost him his job.

6 November 2014

GV Face: Voting After the Revolution in Tunisia and Ukraine

GV Face

Tunisia and Ukraine recently held elections, a challenging feat in a post-revolutionary time.

Hackers Unite to Create Apps and Sensors to Monitor Water Quality

Professionals from several fields of study have gathered at the event "Hackathon: Data and Sensors to Measure Water Quality" to discuss free hardware development and dissemination of public data.

Residents of Tbilisi, Georgia Are Out to Reclaim the Sidewalks From Selfish Drivers

Bad parking is legendary in Georgia's capital, Tbilisi. An online civic movement is seeking to do something about the problem.

Thailand's Coup Regime Is Meddling With Education to Teach ‘Correct Democracy’

The military-backed school reforms aim to foster reconciliation, but the name of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was mysteriously removed in the history textbooks

5 November 2014

‘When I Think of Trinidad, I See It in Technicolor': A New Music-Theatre Work Takes the Stage

Global Voices continues its conversation with the show's librettist, Caitlyn Kamminga, and its composer, Dominique Le Gendre.

Uzbekistan's Controversial Cotton Harvest ‘Feeds the Regime, not Citizens’

Another violent and exploitative cotton season wraps up in Uzbekistan. The harvest's front line, from teachers and schoolchildren to doctors and nurses, will be the last to see the profits.

Are Employee Transportation Allowances the Cause of Japan's Commuter Hell?

Many employers in Japan's affluent and densely populated Pacific Seaboard axis stretching between Tokyo and Osaka subsidize the substantial cost of train and bus tickets for regular, full-time employees.

The Internet Economy In Russia Is Slowing Down, Hampered by Crisis and Hostile Laws

RuNet Echo

Although Russia’s Internet economy appears to be growing, a close look at recent trends suggests that it's slowing down under the weight of the country’s economic crisis and draconian legislation.

Thai Coup Leader Wants Reporters to Forget the Former Prime Minister

Thailand's new military leader, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, is asking the media not to report about the movements of Thailand's erstwhile heads of state.

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