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Colbert Whacks Ft. Lauderdale For Arresting 90-Year-Old Man For Feeding The Homeless
Stephen Colbert gave the city of Fort Lauderdale and their mayor the treatment they deserved following the arrest of a 90-year-old man for feeding the homeless. Read more...
Jon Stewart On The Aftermath Of The Midterm Elections
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart with some "context" on this year's midterm elections. Read more...
McCain Rants That White House Is 'Playing Footsie' With Iran Instead Of Dropping More Bombs In Syria
Here's your soon to be head of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Read more...
Medical Experts Denounce Fox News' Dr. Keith Ablow As 'Shameful' 'Narcissistic Self-Promoter'
Fox News' resident psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow was vilified by medical experts as a narcissist blowhard and an embarrassment to the profession and shameful that he has a platform. Read more...