
Keller @ Large: Goodwill Honeymoon Is Over

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Governor Patrick meets with Governor-elect Charlie Baker in the Governor's Office, Nov. 5, 2014. (Photo credit: Eric Haynes / Governor's Office)

Governor Patrick meets with Governor-elect Charlie Baker in the Governor’s Office, Nov. 5, 2014. (Photo credit: Eric Haynes / Governor’s Office)

WBZ-TV's Jon Keller Jon Keller
Jon Keller is WBZ-TV News' Political Analyst, and his "Keller A...
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BOSTON (CBS)  – Remember Joe Isuzu, the TV pitchman back in the late 1980s who would make outrageously-false claims about the cars he was peddling while the contradictory truth was superimposed on the screen below him?

Let’s take a page from Joe’s playbook as we scrutinize some of the, uh, nutrient-rich compost being laid down Wednesday in the wake of the midterm election results.

When Gov. Patrick says at his meeting with Gov.-elect Baker: “We’re excited about supporting the success of our soon-to-be new governor,” what he really means is: I cannot believe Coakley let the guy I beat like a drum four years ago beat her. If he starts bad-mouthing me after I leave, we’ll do to him what we did to Mitt Romney when we dimed him out for buying his computer drives after he left here, and it won’t be pretty.

Gov.-elect Baker said: “I appreciate the thoughts and I fully expect that this is going to be a productive and engaging transition process.”

What he meant was: He had better not give away the store between now and January, like he did when he unionized all those non-union managers the other day. And while we’re at it, Mr. Yesterday’s Newspaper, watch it on the pardons and commutations.

When the new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says of the president: “We do have an obligation to work together on issues where we can agree,” what he means is: Lights out, Barack, you’re toast.

And when the president says: “It’s time for this country to take care of business,” he really means: I’m toast, you bush-leaguer? No, you’re toast, and I’m butter.

Sorry if I sound a bit skeptical, but we’ve seen this movie before. In politics, the goodwill honeymoon usually ends when the door closes on the couple’s hotel suite.

Listen to Jon’s commentary:

You can listen to Keller At Large on WBZ News Radio every weekday at 7:55 a.m. You can also watch Jon on WBZ-TV News.


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