Do I need to find a web designer in my town?

by on Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

I once had a call from a potential client. They were starting a new business and needed a website. They weren’t local to my town, but about an hour away. The first thing she asked was:

“Do I come to your location to do this, or do you come do it on my computer?”

local3She asked because she had no idea how a website worked, how it was created, where it was created. Be assured, I did not laugh. Because I understand that there are things about what I do that are confusing and scary to non-techie people. Not everyone is a big nerd like me.

My answer to her was neither. We never actually have to be in the same room to do this process. In fact, most of my clients are spread all over the country as well as a few places outside the US. To date, we’ve done websites for clients in at least 25 of the 50 states (including Hawaii!) as well as Canada, Great Britain, and the country of Brunei. Sometimes, I don’t even know where my client is located!

How do we work with people from all over?

It’s simple. Most of our communication is via email or phone. We can communicate about your needs, discussion options, and view concepts all online. The wonders of modern technology!

“How do I know I can trust you if I can’t meet you and shake your hand?”

The truth is, you don’t. All you have to go on is our extensive portfoliotestimonials, and the general feeling you get from communicating with us. I invite you to contact us, ask us questions, and think about how our responses make you feel. Do you feel comfortable? Do you like how we respond? Are our answers what you are looking for? 

Finding a web designer you can trust doesn’t necessarily finding someone in your own town. If we only worked with local clients, we would run out of clients pretty fast!

Need a website from a reputable company? Contact us today. We’d love to help.

About Amy Masson

Former teacher, current nerd and co-owner of Sumy Designs, LLC. You can read my full bio here.

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