
You know that moment when you first walk inside a store and marvel at everything there is to see? Some things catch your eye at first, and when you look more closely, you see there’s a lot more to discover all around you.

Pinterest is a digital version of that discovery experience. When people visit Pinterest, they’re interested in discovering new possibilities and saving the things they want to explore further.

It’s a high-intent environment where millions of people go to look for things they should do or buy next, which is why it’s so appealing to businesses.

Curating and organizing your boards to match your store’s layout  is one way to connect your in-store experience to Pinterest. There’s also the reverse: using Pinterest to think about how you organize items in your store and on your website. 

We found a couple examples of how you might think about creating...

Pinterest is a powerful way for bloggers, publishers and media brands to reach new and existing audiences. The visual nature of Pinterest brings stories to life and great imagery aid in the discovery process.

When people find and save their favorite articles and videos, they amplify this content to their followers and this ongoing cycle generates more readership and referral traffic back to your website. In fact, Pinterest drives more referral traffic to media sites than Facebook in the U.S. and drives more media referrals than Twitter, Linkedin and Reddit combined. Great content lives on and older content is rediscovered all the time, which means that older Pins can resurface and drive traffic to your website, too!

Here are 5 tips for content creators:

  • Install the official Pin It button on your website to make it Pinterest friendly—you’re helping your readers share and distribute your content on your
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