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Protect our Planet!

When all of the nations on Earth will join their forces and just a little bit care for the environment, and not all of the people care only the money, maybe will no more war and Earth will not dying. My goals are, attention raise to environmental awareness, sustainable development and attitude change! Please do not pinning here simple landscapes, animals or anything else without the purpose is environmental protection! What I mean is inappropriate, I will delete it.

41,377 Pins

You heard the news, right? Denton, TX, the birthplace of fracking, JUST BANNED FRACKING. This is why Denton's ban and the work of Frack Free Denton is HUGE NEWS for people fighting fracking *everywhere*.

Spruce and ash. Bob Verschueren, Italy - 12 крутых примеров лэнд-арта

Dare the world to save the planet Earth Hour

Environment America researchers have compiled the top five fictions spread by the oil and gas industry and their allies, followed by the facts from our report, Fracking by the Numbers, and other sources, that refute them. The truth will scare you!

“Sheer Total Utter Neglect” is Mark Shepard's STUN system. Learn all about it this Friday in our 15 minute video featuring Mark, his 120 acre farm in Wisconsin and details on how he makes a PROFIT from his #PERMACULTURE farm. Sign up at before its release this Friday the 7th.

Rob McCreath's field is sending a climate change message to G20 organisers.

What's the Catch episode of trawling in Thailand was horrifying Prawns | Sustainability | Programs

Mini horsies! Too dang cute. I love the black and white spotted one in the middle the most.

A thousand times THIS.

Top 5 Most Innovative Uses For Hemp Read more at expandedconscious...

1 in every 3 kids in the United States is overweight or obese. It’s a shocking statistic. Why isn't everyone talking about this?

Rick Berman, the king of corporate front groups and propaganda, has been caught on tape detailing his attacks on public interest groups in the labor and environmental movements, including on efforts to increase the minimum wage for workers.

feel good....

When I first saw the photo above, I couldn't believe it was real. Those are 35,000 walruses packed together onshore in Alaska. If you're saying to yourself “that doesn’t look normal,” you're right. Packs like this were unheard of before 2007. The sea ice that walruses usually rest on is disappearing and putting them at great risk. Now, Shell plans to drill for oil in the waters where walruses live, feed, and raise their young. We need to stop Shell's plan.

Dare the world to save the planet Earth Hour

Dare the world to save the planet Earth Hour

How do you conserve #water?

There are many great minds on Earth... not all are Human

The Science of Awe | Sierra Club

Harvesting Water From Thin Air | Sierra Club

Pick a Plug-In: Our EV buyers guide shows how much money and CO2 you'll save by going with a plug-in:

Leaked Nuclear Plant Photos Reveal Extremely Dangerous Situation