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State of Texas: Why Can’t Texas Democrats Win?

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Why can't Texas Democrats win?

Dave Mann has been with the Observer since 2003. Before that, he worked as a reporter in Fort Worth and Washington, D.C. He was born and raised in Philadelphia. He thinks border collies are the world’s greatest dogs, and believes in the nourishing powers of pickup basketball.

  • Lesley Nicole Ramsey

    I was hoping you’d have an answer!

  • Chip70

    LOL I’m with Lesley. I thought maybe there might be a bit more here, other than the obvious question. But my take on it, is that by offering nothing in the way of a solution to anything, the Republican politicians just sit on the side lines and point to the problems – and then point to any solution as “big government”. some peopke just buy that as a true political strategy.

    • 1bimbo

      democrats are that stoned, party uncle who can’t balance his checkbook, is flakey and disappears when you need him to pay back the money he owes you.. republicans are that grouchy penny-pinching uncle who not only balances his checkbook but can help you out of a bind as long as you pay him back with interest.. that is all

      • Chip70

        ((Oh god, please don’t tell me bimbo is following me around the Internet)) I’m not sure, after reading many republicans posts, that I would say republicans would help anyone out, in general – any type of assistance to anyone with a last name other than Koch seems to be taboo to a Republican politician. I agree with “grouchy” part.

        • 1bimbo

          it’s easy to tell by commenting history whether someone is following you or if they are regular visitors to certain websites, so don’t flatter yourself.. and i guess you’re right about the rich uncle thing. the jack@ss party has a few of its own disgustingly rich elitist uncles.. george soros, tom steyer, warren buffet and bill clinton.. but wait! rapey bill has a hard time paying the mortgage(s) on his house(s) thus verifying the fact that looneyliberals can’t balance a checkbook

          • Chip70

            Ummm. Me thinks you have Bills story wrong… Google it, and come back to us. We are all waiting anxiously….

          • 1bimbo

            “We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt … We had no money when we got there, and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy. … Bill has worked really hard — and it’s been amazing to me — he’s worked very hard. First of all, we had to pay off all our debts. He had to make double the money because of obviously taxes and then pay off the debts and get us houses and take care of family members. … I thought making speeches for money was a much better thing than getting connected with any one group or company as so many people who leave public life do.” –hillary clinton, june 2014

          • Chip70

            Awesome. A hard working american. What’s to hate about that?

          • 1bimbo

            you do realize that statements like that are why the dumbdemocrats are losing.. people can see through the gauze that is your ideological worship of progressive failed policy

          • hutlee

            Balanced budget is not more important than a fair and balanced economy. Laissez faire capitalism that now holds the world hostage does not benefit the vast majority of mankind. Even here in the US the inequality gap is growing worse by the day. The debt we talk so much about is indeed real, but why it is, is pushed to the curb. To you it is the liberals and spending on the safety net that is the problem. To me it is the refusal of the private sector to provide the jobs and a pay scale necessary to afford a living wage.

            When corporations are able to evade taxes, move companies to the places with the least restrictions on greed, and labor is perceived as nothing more than numbers, we have what we now have in this global system – inequality, and a bubbling of social and political unrest. So, what the private sector refuses to do, simply has to be done by the governmental sector. The bottom line is who is going to benefit the most from our labor, the many or the few. Do I even need to go on with this?

            You spout personal responsibility, but seem blind to the system’s responsibility to the people and the environment. And that is what supply side economics has always been about. Feed the rich, and let their :”generosity” trickle down on the peasants. As Lincoln once said, “You can fool some of the people…………”

          • 1bimbo

            ‘evade taxes’ .. corporations like your beloved Apple and liberal buffet’s burger king are outsourcing jobs to avoid high tax and regulations.. you have no grasp of economics when you whine about what corporate america is or is not doing.. there’s not amount of government regulation that will ‘make’ business pay anything.. if that does happen, that’s called communism… the poor are perpetual victims due to progressive policies.. own it

        • boblucas

          But Soros be good…………bwahhhhhhh

      • hutlee

        Poor 1bimbo, just can’t quite get into that head that in Washington, there is always money for the ideas and programs you support, like never ending wars against enemies real or imagined , but never enough money for those ideas and programs you despise, like Social Security, Medicare,etc.

        • 1bimbo

          the people who paid into social security and medicare paid into that system, money owed to them… i say let’s halt food stamps, cash for the kids of illegals and gubment housings.. see how much that saves

        • boblucas

          Social Security, Medicare, Heroin, crack….

  • bettievbeard

    Texas Democrats can’t win because there are way too many uneducated voters. And Democrats seem to think that campaigning should be limited to focusing on getting message to those who are already on board. We need rallies with informative messaging as well as information mailouts which tie issues to the voters’ everyday lives as well as to the Democratic candidate running for Office. Ads are useless when it comes to educating the voters. They are nothing more than a hyped up popularity contest or a hodgepodge of brief soundbites that do little to inform about how whom we elect will affect all areas of our lives including our income, healthcare, education, and every other issue related to policy making at local, state and national level. Minorities in particular need to understand how decisions made about privatized education for instance affects lives. Then they need to understand how the women’s clinics are connected to their ability to get various services, and they need to know about the influence of corporations over just about every policy that is being implemented related to privatization and regulation. Attack ads and ads containing misinformation by Republicans are generally hardhitting and costly so naturally the audience they are intended for benefits, but since Democrats and Republicans are generally composed of different groups of people such as a larger number of poor and minority individuals who could care less about slick ads. Educate your voters Democrats with information which they can easily see is connected to their wants and needs!! They will turn out for instance if they understand that electing a Democratic Governor and judges might have an immediate impact on changing unfair over the top mandatory sentences which Republicans put in place to support privatization of jails and prisons. Democrats need to develop an effective way to communicate with voters similar to Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”! In the meantime, while many Democrats understand that the middle class, women and even our children are being attacked in terms of Republican policies, a huge number of registered voters just cannot comprehend the gravity of what is going on! Again … EDUCATE THE VOTERS Democrats!!!

    • 1bimbo

      so texas is ‘too dumb’ to vote for democrats.. new jack@ss party strategy to woo voters: ‘tell voters they are stupid’ .. eureka! i think it will work.. keep up the good work, progressives!!

      • hutlee

        Jackass Party, huh? Well then, explain why most of the current jackass pols are in and around the GOP and Pea Tarty. Most voters in Texas only care about what is behind a candidate’s name.. As long as they are able focus on one or two issues, they quite happy to vote against their own best interest. God, Guns, Gays, Abortion, and of course the ever popular, taxes is all they need to look at. Ooops! I forget those damned illegals. No need to look any further. Wouldn’t you say that pretty sums up Texas voters?

        • 1bimbo

          thank God texas is one of that few remaining moral states… we built the lone star state on self sufficiency, sacrifice, accountability, integrity and common sense.. texas would do well without the US.. the US would not do well without texas

    • Loretta

      Democrats don’t win only because everybody is uneducated—nice spin on that. You don’t win because we don’t wont you here to screw our State up like the rest of the Democrat states. We are SICK or everything crammed down our throat to force us to think like Demonrats do. No thank you, believe it or not, we have our own beliefs, and that does not include killing babies, getting stoned, forcing everybody to ‘think’ like Demonrats, unicorns, and community parties. Go back up North or to Cali. Please

      • hutlee

        People in Somalia have their own ideas too, and believe it or not, they’re not far off of yours. No central government, no messy democracy to keep the individual down, plenty of guns, a true me first society plenty, of “illeagals ” to hate, a thriving private pirate business, etc. Think about it. Might just be the place for you.

        • 1bimbo

          ha! progressives have nothing left but to compare american patriots to somalia?

        • boblucas

          You’d love Cuba……

  • don76550

    Oh I don’t know. You don’t suspose democrats lose because they view our bill of rights as toilet paper, want to take your gun away from you, promote and worship homosexual perverts, get some sort of perverse gratification out of killing babies. believe in destroying jobs and confiscatory taxation and hate everything this country stands for. To bettiebvbeard I would say, to the contrary, there are too many EDUCATED voters is why democrat marxists lose.

  • boblucas

    Texas Dem’s can’t win because there are way too many Educated voters.

Why can't Democrats win statewide races in Texas? This year's slate of Democrats is trying to break its party's infamous 20-year losing streak. 1994 was the last time Texas Democrats won statewide. Of course, we know Texas is an overwhelmingly Republican and conservative state. But other deeply Republican states (at least in presidential elections) like Oklahoma, Alabama and Mississippi have elected quite a few Democrats to statewide office in the past 20 years.

Sources: Alabama Dept. of Archives and History, Mississippi Historical Society, Office of Oklahoma Lieutenant Governor, National Governor's Association. 

Illustration by Joanna Wojtkowiak