Nico Vreeland

Nico Vreeland is a freelance writer and book reviewer. He lives in Boston.
  • Remember Me Like This
Bret Anthony Johnston
Random House
384 pages; $26.00

    The Observer Review: Bret Anthony Johnston’s Remember Me Like This

    Remember Me Like This is a stereotypical young literary author's debut novel. It comes heavily hyped and praised, features beautiful prose and almost no plot, flirts with the trappings of a genre novel but dares not dirty its hands with the actual workings of one, and generally disappoints. Full Story

  • A Dangling Metaphor

    The Kentucky Club, a storied, once-elegant bar whose historic guests include Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe, sits on Avenida Juarez, four blocks from the […] Full Story

  • The Devil in East Texas

    Devil Red was my rookie tour with Joe Lansdale’s odd couple Hap & Leonard—a working-class white guy and a gay black man working as […] Full Story