Tell us your story!

Stop the Frack Attack Member Groups are converging on the EPA this fall to bring the stories of impacted community Unknownmembers to the agency that is suppose to be the one protecting them, the Environmental Protection Agency. For the past year the fracking movement has been putting pressure on EPA Administrator McCarthy to do the right thing for families impacted by fracking, and on October 2nd we will bring their stories to the EPA’s doorstep. Do you have a story to tell the EPA?


On the grassy area in front of the EPA building we plan to set up water jugs and gas masks to represent the thousands of impacted community members that the EPA is refusing to protect. Each water jug and gas mask will have an attached story of a community member- that will be linked back to a website that displays the information on a map. Do you want us to have a water jug or gas mask represent your story? The day off will also include speak outs and street theater demanding the EPA do its job and protect communities.


This action will only work if we get as many stories as possible. Please share your story today.


In Struggle,


Robby Diesu

National Organizer

Stop the Frack Attack