End toxic mines in Europe!

2014-09-29 09:15:00

Bang! Ban Cyanide campaign

Press Release
For immediate distribution
#askteamjuncker to #bancyanide at the #EPhearings2014

29 September 2014 - Large-scale, open-pit gold mines are on the rise throughout Europe. This is something EU citizens may generally not aware of, but the metals used in computers, electronic devices and mobile phones have to come from somewhere. Modern mining mutilates the environment; causes lasting pollution; uses large quantities of highly toxic chemicals such as cyanide and often also displaces entire communities.

We are a European coalition of NGOs, initiative groups and communities from Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, UK, The Czech Republic and Turkey. We have come together to fight toxic mines and cyanide-based mining in Europe.

Many of us live in areas threatened by such toxic mines. As well as talking about our common threat, we are proposing a common solution. From examples around the world, we know that cyanide-based mining affects the environment and people close by and far, far away. From examples around the world we also know that when people unite, they win. This is what recently happened in Slovakia, where the cyanide-based mining was banned.

In August 2014 we launched at Rosia Montana/Romania a common campaign to ban the use of cyanide-based mining in Europe. In 2010 the European Parliament voted to ban cyanide-based mining, due to the overwhelming risks posed by this technology to human and environmental health. We want to turn this vote into reality by asking Mr. Karmenu Vella, the Commissioner candidate for the Environment, to enforce the resolution and act upon it!

We know that modern industrial mining is a risky chemical process that does not generate wealth but leads to pollution, poverty and dependency. We also know that it uproots people and communities.

We believe that Europe should be made up of strong and healthy communities with citizens that are confident about the present and the future.

We know that extractives and cyanide are linked to corruption and to political decisions enforced from above.

We believe that true democracy thrives when decision-makers work for people and not for power and profit.

We refuse to accept that a chemical substance as poisonous as cyanide is still allowed for use in such large quantities in mining throughout Europe-a densely inhabited area. Cyanide has high toxicity and can rapidly lead to death. A spoonful of a 2% cyanide solution will kill a human being and ever-recurring mining accidents show its devastating impact.

We believe that the time has come to demand that Europe’s decision-makers finally act and make cyanide-based mining a thing of the past.

We joined forces to address the hard facts posed by cyanide-based mining during the hearing of Mr. Karmenu Vella, the Commissioner candidate for the Environment. Through direct contact with our MEPs, and social media, we communicated the importance of placing the ban on cyanide based mining on the next Commissioner's agenda.

MEPs that have been listening to our concerns will address Mr. Karmenu Vella during the hearings scheduled to take place on September 29th.

Cyanide knows no borders and we call upon our friends throughout Europe to join us in this effort!

#askteamjuncker to #bancyanide at the #EPhearings2014

For more information please contact us at bang@bancyanide.eu or visit www.bancyanide.eu

Press team:
Roxana Pencea, +40 723 024300 and Stephanie Roth, +49 151 57472625

Members of the European Bang! Ban Cyanide campaign

CATAPA (Belgium, Latin America)
www.catapa.be  | info@catapa.be

Initiative de solidarité avec la Grèce qui resiste (Bruxelles, Belgium)
initiativesolidaritebxl.wordpress.com  | initiative.limited@gmail.com

Za Zemita (Bulgaria)
www.zazemiata.org | info@zazemiata.org

Čechy nad zlato (Czech Republic)

Šumava nad zlato (Czech Republic)
www.facebook.com/SumavaNadZlato | petraoudesova@gmail.com

Brdy nad zlato (Czech Republic)
www.brdynadzlato.cz | info@brdynadzlato.cz

Veselý vrch (Czech Republic)
www.stoptezbezlata.cz | veselyvrch@gmail.com

Stop Talvivaara (Finland)
www.stoptalvivaara.org/ | mediadesk@stoptalvivaara.org

Kaivosvahdit (Finland)
www.kaivosvahdit.fi | kaivosvahdit@palapeli.net

Naiset Rauhan Puolesta (Finland)
http://www.naisetrauhanpuolesta.org/ | lea.launokari@nettilinja.fi  

Naiset Atomivoimaa Vastaan (Finland)

Edelleen Ei ydinvoimaa (Finland)
www.tiedonantaja.fi | lohi(at)kaapeli.fi

Collectif de vigilance sur les projets miniers Creusois (France)
minesencreuse.blogspot.fr/ | CommCollectifVilleranges@gmx.fr

Oui à l'avenir (France)

ALDEAH (Alternatives au Développement Extractiviste et Anthropocentré) (France)
http://www.aldeah.org/fr/aldeah | nous@aldeah.org

Maiouri Nature Guyane (Guyane Française)
http://sites.google.com/site/maiourinature | maiouri.nature@gmail.com

Utopia (France)
www.mouvementutopia.org | anthony.foussard@mouvementutopia.org

Hellenic Mining Watch (Greece)
www.facebook.com/antigold | info@antigoldgr.org

Salva la Selva (Germany/ Spain)
www.rainforest-rescue.org/ | info@salvalaselva.org

Campania Salvați Rosia Montana (Romania)
www.rosiamontana.org | alburnusmaior@ngo.ro

Mining Match Romania (Romania)
www.miningwatch.ro | contact@miningwatch.ro

Kremnica nad zlato (Slovakia)
www.kremnicanadzlato.sk/ | info@kremnicanadzlato.sk

Plataforma Salvemos Cabana (Spain)
www.salvemoscabana.blogspot.com.es | salvemoscabana.info@gmail.com

ContraMINAcción (Galicia, Spain)
http://www.mineriagalicia.org/ | contacto@mineriagalicia.org

Plataforma pola Defensa de Corcoesto e Bergantiños (Galicia, Spain)
nonaminadecorcoesto.blogspot.com.es/ | braulioamaro@gmail.com

Gaia Foundation ( United Kingdom)
http://www.gaiafoundation.org/ | hannibal@gaianet.org

Plataforma ORO NO (Asturias, SPAIN)
orono.blogspot.com | plataforma.orono@gmail.com

Çanakkale Çevre Platformu (Turkey)
http://cevreplatformu.blogspot.ro/ | canakkalecep@gmail.com