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The Militia Next Door

At Camp Lonestar, a group of armed volunteers seeks to ‘push back the illegals.’
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Group photo of militia members who have set up a camp near Brownsville.
A group photo of militia members who have set up a camp near Brownsville.

Two weeks ago, Maria Cordero and her family noticed they had new neighbors near their home outside Brownsville: A group of heavily armed men, wearing military fatigues, had set up a campsite on a nearby property.

“We don’t know who they are,” Cordero told me. “Do they have criminal records? People are afraid, but more than that they are confused.” Cordero, a community organizer with the ACLU, has been trying to learn more about the group to assuage her neighbors’ fears. “We don’t need armed civilians in our community. We have enough Border Patrol agents,” she says. “What if they fire at someone and a stray bullet hits a child?”

Cordero’s neighborhood, not far from the Rio Grande, already has government surveillance cameras, heavily armed Border Patrol agents and Texas Parks and Wildlife game wardens. There are armored gunboats on the river and drones overhead. Recently, Gov. Rick Perry deployed 1,000 National Guard soldiers to the border to complement a Texas Department of Public Safety surge underway. And now there’s a campsite full of armed men down the street from Cordero’s house.

A section of the border wall near Camp Lonestar.
Jen Reel
A section of the border wall near Camp Lonestar.

We follow Cordero down the road from her house, and I can see the rust-colored 18-foot border wall that divides the Rio Grande from the neighborhood. Not far from the fence is a motley collection of tents, generators and a mud-caked ATV next to a small house with “Don’t Tread on Me” and American flags. Some of the neighbors think that the men might be National Guard soldiers. But the encampment is too ragtag to be military. A bald, shirtless man with a Buddha-like physique in camouflage pants stands next to one of the tents scratching his belly.

As we approach, the Buddha yawns, then stares. Two lady journalists—a photographer and me, holding a notepad—walk into the campsite. His mouth slowly curls into a smile. Another man in dark sunglasses, eating a plate of beans, turns to stare at us. He doesn’t smile. A large hunting knife hangs from his belt. “Where’s the CO!?” the shirtless guy yells. “We got some media here!”

A man with a blond soul patch, wearing sand-colored fatigues, appears from behind a tent. He’s the CO, he says, then explains that stands for commanding officer. He wears a pistol in a holster and a gold skull ring on his ring finger. His hands are covered in crudely drawn tattoos. On the back of his neck in old English letters: “KC,” which happens to be his name we learn—KC Massey III.

KC introduces us to the shirtless guy in camo pants. “That’s Alabama,” he says. “Hey Alabama, better button up before something falls out.” KC grins. Alabama hurriedly zips up his fly. “Dangit,” he mumbles. KC sizes us up. “First off, don’t call us a militia,” he says. “We’re here because we’re American citizens.” Many of the camp members met through the Patriot Movement and over Facebook or “through other channels, which I can’t go into,” he says. The San Antonio Express-News and other media have reported that members are being recruited and mobilized through a 24-hour “Patriot Hotline.”

KC is an electrician from the Panhandle, and laments that he is one of only two Texans in the Brownsville camp. “What ever happened to Texas pride?” he says. It’s hard to tell how many people are at the camp. There are a handful of tents next to the small home where landowner Cuban “Rusty” Monsees lives and two or three tents in the back. It appears to be all men at the camp but Cordero says she has seen at least one woman. They wear military fatigues, and they all appear to be white. KC refuses to say how many men are there. Disclosing the number of people staying at the camp to the media, he says, would jeopardize their safety. “We don’t want cartel operatives knowing about our operation,” he explains. “Let’s just say if there were 10 of us, then the cartel would send 20 hit men to take us out.”

Monsees, who invited the group to stay on his land, says his parents bought the riverside property in 1940. His land is divided by the 18-foot border wall with the river on the south side. The 61-year-old Monsees drives a red truck with a fluttering American flag. “Happy Birthday America Every Day” it says on the rear window. When I ask him why he’s invited the group, he claims he’s No. 5 on the Gulf Cartel’s hit list, that his dogs were decapitated by a drug capo from Mexico and that Mexicans are living on welfare in Texas “three times as good as we are. … I also killed a man when I was 8 years old,” he adds, waiting for me to write it down in my notebook.

KC and Archie survey the Rio Grande for migrants attempting to cross the river.
Jen Reel
KC and Archie survey the Rio Grande for migrants attempting to cross the river.

KC and Archie—who is from Louisiana and wears a “Duck Dynasty” T-shirt—want to show us where a Gulf Cartel member left the cartel’s initials on the border wall as a sign for the group to back off. We hop on to the mud-caked, camo-colored Mule and speed toward the river. “They wrote CDG,” KC says. “You know what that means? It means Cartel de Golfo. They’re sending us a message. Because everyone who crosses that river has to pay them, and we’re cutting into their profits.” We fly over mounds of mud and demolish clumps of brush in the Mule, and nearly tip over a couple of times.

KC points out shiny handprints up and down the rusted metal bollards where people have shimmied up and over the 18-foot fence. “They can do it in a matter of seconds,” he says. “This fence is a joke, and the taxpayers paid for it.” The fence, which was built by the feds, angers the 48-year-old just like most things the U.S. government does. “I’m here because I want America to be like it was,” he says. “In my day, if you had a problem you’d go outside and have a fistfight and settle it like a man. Nowadays they’ll put you in jail if you do that. There are so many laws taking our freedoms away. I want my kids to have a life and opportunities like I had.”

Archie nods. It was the influx of Central Americans crossing into the Rio Grande Valley that drew him to the Brownsville camp. He says he’s securing the border for his family back home. “They’re allowing illegal aliens to come across and take our jobs,” Archie says of the Obama administration. “There could be terrorists coming across. Members of ISIS.”

Graffiti on the border wall, which members of Camp Lonestar believe to be the initials for Cartel de Golfo.
Jen Reel
Graffiti on the border wall, which members of Camp Lonestar believe to be the initials for Cartel de Golfo.

Their mission at Camp Lonestar, as they call their encampment, is to “push back the illegals,” Archie explains. They stand on the bank of the Rio Grande in military uniform, heavily armed, and try to scare people illegally crossing the river back into Mexico. Sometimes, they also detain people, which they hate to do, KC says, because the immigrants “get in the system and collect welfare.” In one recent video (see below) posted on Facebook, the men bind the hands of two men and a woman with zip ties. “Sorry we had to ‘Detain’ them but they were wore out and just fell down and gave up while the other 7-8 ran like gazelles!” writes KC on the Facebook post. “One of the guys pissed himself! These were young 20’s [sic] people.”

KC assures us they don’t harm anyone. When someone wants to join Camp Lonestar, he explains, it’s up to him as the group’s commanding officer to help weed out “media whores” and trigger-happy “glory hounds.” One guy was sent packing the previous week, because he was too eager to shoot someone, he says. “We make sure they’re here because they love America, not because they want to kill somebody.”

A border patrol SUV drags tires to erase old footprints and allow law enforcement to monitor recent crossings.
Jen Reel
A Border Patrol SUV drags tires to erase old footprints and allow law enforcement to monitor recent crossings.

We drive past a Border Patrol SUV cruising the river levee looking for footprints of illegal crossers in the dust. Usually, when I go on the levee, I’m surrounded by Border Patrol and forced to leave, even if I have the permission of the landowner to be there. But this time, the Border Patrol agent doesn’t even glance at us on the ATV. It could be because two weeks ago a Border Patrol agent opened fire on a guy they call “Jesus” at the camp, while he and KC were on patrol in the brush. “We call him Jesus because he’s got long hair and looks just like Jesus,” KC explains. According to local media reports, Jesus is John Frederick Forester who has misdemeanor convictions for theft and trespassing and a felony conviction for burglary.

After the shooting incident, Border Patrol spokesman Omar Zamora told the Associated Press that agents had been chasing a group of immigrants near the Rio Grande when an agent saw a man holding a gun. The agent fired four shots at Forester, but didn’t hit him. Forester dropped his gun and identified himself as a member of Camp Lonestar. KC says the Department of Homeland Security and the local sheriff detained them for five hours. A pistol, a GoPro camera, a machete and other equipment were confiscated. KC says he doesn’t believe Border Patrol didn’t know they were there or recognize them. “We’ve run through the woods side by side with the Border Patrol and worked with them for the last month,” he says. “Now they’re denying all knowledge of us, but they know who we are.”

After the incident, Border Patrol Chief Kevin Oaks, who is in charge of the Rio Grande Valley sector, issued a statement denying any working relationship with Massey and other members of Camp Lonestar. “We do not endorse or support any private groups or organizations attempting to enforce immigration laws or conducting border security operations as it could have disastrous personal and public-safety consequences.”

It’s not the first time militia members in the Rio Grande Valley have surprised Border Patrol agents. In August, the Associated Press reported that seven militia members appeared one night in Mission to help Border Patrol agents apprehend immigrants. At first, Border Patrol thought the armed men were a tactical team from the Department of Public Safety.

“Sometimes it can be dangerous,” Oaks told the Associated Press. “Because you have all these [non-law enforcement] people out there running around the border. There are cartel members that carry assault weapons and camouflage, and then there’s others that may be under the auspices of whatever group, may look very similar, and we have no idea who those people are. My fear is that these things clash and eventually there will be a very bad outcome.”

After the tour at Camp Lonestar, we meet up with Maria Cordero and her husband, Rolando, at a local fast food restaurant. Their 3-year-old daughter happily skips through the restaurant toward the playground outside. These days there are too many heavily armed people in their community, Cordero says, and it worries her. Families in her neighborhood are afraid. They can no longer distinguish between law enforcement, armed militia or cartel members. “We don’t know who these people are. They’re carrying high-powered weapons. It makes us feel less safe, not more safe to have them here,” Rolando says. “I just hope they leave soon.”

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Melissa del Bosque joined The Texas Observer staff in 2008. She specializes in reporting on immigration and the U.S.-Mexico border. Her work has been published in national and international publications including TIME magazine and the Mexico City-based Nexos magazine. Melissa is a 2014-15 Lannan Fellow at The Investigative Fund.

  • Nicko Thime

    The correct term is domestic terrorist.

    • Robert Kluver

      Calling these people domestic terrorists is quite a stretch. They are private citizens on private property protecting private land from invasion by criminals.

      • Nicko Thime

        I feel not even slightly stretched by it. They are vigilantes and domestic terrorists.

        • 1bimbo


        • Ron Bass

          If you stand in front of your house, guarding it, you are not a domestic terrorist nor a vigilante. Well these brave patriots are standing in front of their homeland guarding it.

          • Nicko Thime

            If they stand in front of their house then they are good. They d not have we the people’s permisson or sanction to a damned thing. They are taking law into their own hands and buy any definition that is vigilanteism. They are not patriots but subversives.

          • Ron Bass

            No American Citizen needs your permission to defend this nation from foreign trespassers.

          • Nicko Thime

            You don’t just get to take the law into your own hands.

          • Ron Bass

            Your assuming they took the law into their own hands. All they did was stand on the border, they detained no one, touched no one, arrested no one. So my fellow Patriot? you need to come up with something else to malign these patriots.

          • Nicko Thime

            They are doing a fine job of maligning themselves, IMHO.

            When I hear “My Fellow Patriot” I also hear the echo of comrade.
            It is the same sort of thinking.

          • Ron Bass

            The maligning is only happening in your mind comrade.

      • sammescalito

        This collection of red necks and beer bellies don’t look bright enough to represent a terrorist threat. They’re just your usual bunch of gun nut/vigilantes who were too stupid to pass the entrance exam to the police academy so they play cop instead. Still, that being said, the Feds should arrest all these militia outfits and pack them off to the nearest FEMA camp where they can’t hurt any one but themselves.

        • 1bimbo

          sam must be a vogue model.. d*mn those ‘beer bellies’

        • Killroy

          Exactly looser wannabes. Just like Riber Kluver!

        • mikestrong

          Then why don’t YOU get off your fuckin lazy bitch ass and show us what a “man” you are and stand up for the land you live in..instead of talkin SHIT at home, behind your safe little computer.

          • sammescalito

            Your too much. Acting like some kind of hero when all you are is a fucking vigilante. I’ll bet you’d suck Clive Bundy’s dick if he asked you to. Anyhow, I’m finished with you, you useless POS.

        • mikestrong

          You’re just a WANNA BE badass behind your computer, talkin shit in the comfort of your mommys basement. Most of them are Ex-MILITARY and LEO’S you little punkass COWARD

          • sammescalito

            Another stupid red neck makes an appearance. While you’re “protecting” America against those terrible illegals, who protects America from knuckle dragging gun nuts like you? By the way, I couldn’t give a rats ass about the American military. They’re only good at killing women and children.

            By the way, remember not to pull the trigger when you give your gun a blow-job.

        • Ron Bass

          You have your facts all wrong. You must be a card carrying liberal because facts never matter when you want to make verbal attacks.

      • USA MRIID

        They are Christian terrorists committing crimes against our country.

      • India Crep

        They are Christian terrorists, nothing else. Right wing trailer trash. Pants-shitting cowards.

        • 1bimbo

          they are patriots… you’re the coward

      • Killroy

        Robert koolo you are a moran!

  • Manny Chen

    ISIS? In America? Crossing the mexican border? Ha. al-Qaeda didn’t even have to do that….

    • Larry Linn

      Alan Bersin, Customs and Border Protection
      Commissioner said he is concerned that potential terrorists are exploiting
      Canadian loopholes to gain entry to the United States. “We have had more
      cases where people who are suspected of alliances with terrorist organizations,
      or have had a terrorist suspicion in their background – we see more people
      crossing over from Canada than we have from Mexico,” he said during in his
      testimony to the U.S. Senate. Bersin said that it is “commonly accepted
      that the more significant threat” to the United States comes from the

      • Manny Chen

        makes sense. the Canadian border is virtually unguarded.

        Bersin is a horrible, corrupt shill however

      • YouKnowMe

        But–but they’re not brown up there! How do we tell them from terrorists?

        • Larry Linn

          Ask the Sgt At Arms.

        • Jared

          look for the black flags, stupid looking hats, and giant beards

  • crazyredneck

    I find it humorous that we’re told that people come to this country to “do the jobs that Americans just won’t do” and we should be more understanding. Now, we’re criticizing these people for “doing the job that governments just won’t do”.


      You must be a Christian.

      • crazyredneck

        I can’t reconcile what that has to do with my post. I like coffee and that also has nothing to do with my post. I’m also an anarchist, which also has nothing to do with my post. My post is simply pointing out the hypocrisy which is prevalent today.

        • Tricky Rick

          To be more direct to your post, in addition to the local and county law enforcement agencies, DPS, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Border Patrol, ICE, and the Guard are all involved in border security right now. The Central Americans that have been crossing are seeking out law enforcement. They aren’t trying to sneak in, they are trying to get caught. Regardless of their reasons for coming, our government is doing it’s job. Having a small group of vigilantes running around in the brush with guns and no coordination or identification is inviting trouble. Anarchy won’t secure the border. If you really want anarchy go to Honduras or Sudan and see how thats working out.

          • crazyredneck

            Anarchy would mean no borders, but, again, that has absolutely nothing to do with my post…

            So, by your definition because there’s law enforcement agencies there doing a job, then it is working. It is NOT working if people are getting in. that’s like saying a bucket with no bottom is “doing it’s job” because you can put water in it. Never mind that the water runs right out…

          • Tricky Rick

            Your post mentioned “doing the job that governments just won’t do” and I was addressing that. You also mentioned you are an anarchist which I also addressed. If anarchy means no borders and you are an anarchist, you shouldn’t be all torqued up about the border situation. It seems a more fluid border would be moving toward the anarchy that you want.

            Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension skills before you criticize others as you did below. As for man-snatches, your thoughts on man-ginas say more about you than any of the other posters. But, hey, don’t go away mad. Its just a conversation.

          • Ron Bass

            Yes, we have anarchy but it is solely due to the fact that our government officials at all levels, local, state and federal have chosen to not enforce our immigration laws.
            That is anarchy.

          • Tricky Rick

            It is against the law to hire an illegal immigrant. Enforcing our laws would require law enforcement agencies to arrest members of the business community that participate in this practice. It would mean Dan Goab, from Maryland, aka Dan Patrick, would have a conviction on his record for this kind of behavior. The horror. We can’t have business leaders getting arrested just because they want some cheap labor. It could affect profits. Wouldn’t be prudent.

            Or maybe you mean the kind of law enforcement that goes on out in Alpine TX. The Observer did a story on the Purple Zone. Why not arrest people for stuff that isn’t illegal just to run them out of town. We don’t have anarchy. We have fascism.

  • krankyvet

    These people know what Jesus looked like? I wonder if they know what Jesus preached?

  • 1bimbo

    great job, patriots.. gotta applaud the visibility

  • Tricky Rick

    They have such visions of grandeur, thinking they are targets of cartels and all. It is clear that they don’t understand how cartels work nor the capabilities of such organizations. At best they will force poor people to cross at a point nearby causing a coyote a mild irritation. If it is the property of one of the militia members and they want to protect it, so be it. To do anything else is simply obstructing local, county, state and federal agencies from doing their job. Additionally, if they don’t want or like media whores, why are they talking to reporters and asking for visibility? Oh, thats right, they are patriots. Other people are media whores.

    • Killroy

      They are losers with no real sense of reality!

  • old_redneck

    So . . . what are these “partiots” doing for income while they are on the border playing cop? I’m betting their wives are back home working two or three jobs to pay the rent while these clowns are throwing their income away on rifles, cammies, and all that other junk they are displaying.

    • erik thorne

      Their wife’s have always done that at their $8 or $9 an hour jobs.

    • Manuel Labor

      One of them will get ramped up and shoot someone. Then he’ll get to find out how popular he’ll be in prison.

    • mikestrong

      You are some kinda fuckin STUPID…ain’t ya? More backing than you know dumbass.

  • Tread7

    Excellent great job, patriots! .lock and load


      You must be a Christian.

      • 1bimbo

        i know i am!


    ROFL! Look at these fat fucking Christian shit pile Republicans. Derp! Fucking idiots.

    • 1bimbo

      one musta stuck your sorry @ss in a locker when you were in the 8th grade.. so sorry

  • India Crep

    A hand full of right wing NRA Christian Republican terrorists. None of these fat, slow, dimwitted Republicans have a clue. Such pants-shitting cowards.

  • crazyredneck

    I just figured out this is a left-wing rag. Right-wingers can read and understand, but will call something green that is actually blue because they want to be right. Judging by the quality of this comment section, with it’s folks lacking in reading comprehension skills, hurtling “fat, Christian, trailer trash” insults, and all around general stupidity, this couldn’t be anything but a left wing rag. For those who can follow, a rag is something you shove in your left-wing man-snatches.

  • Killroy

    The idiot journalist who wrote this piece glorifies these ignorant rednecks. He describes them one by one as if they are story book characters. Very basic amature journalism! These pigs are not representative of the local comunities ideology. They are not wanted there and have no law enforcement training. They do not have any legal right to detain people. They are breaking the law. These scumbags are are borderline criminals. These wanna be Barney Fifes should be arrested and sent back to whatever rock they crawled out from under!

    • mikestrong

      Most are Ex-military etc you fuckin stupid ass. “Wanna be’s?”…shit mutha fucker, get off your little bitchass and let’s see YOU put YOUR life on the line 24/7 out there fuckin COWARD

  • Alvin Monero

    Good to see our citizens taking some responsibility for our borders when our Feds won’t/can’t. Quisling-Traitor Libtards try and brand these Patriots as Rednecks/Christians & such. The truth is that they are of mixed beliefs bound by one common goal: SECURE OUR BORDER.
    Some QUISLINGS try and label them as ‘terrorists’, when these militia groups are the ones who are impeding the True Terrorists from flooding our border.

    • Tricky Rick

      The only thing they are securing is a small patch of private property. In case you haven’t noticed, terrorist groups are kidnapping, ransoming and beheading people on camera. A few guys with AR’s by the side of a river are not going to stop or scare people like that. They will certainly get in the way. It takes coordination, surveillance on a large scale and some actual authority to make groups like terrorists think about not crossing our border illegally. Thats what our government agencies are doing which is probably why they are staying elsewhere.

      Traitor? No. We all care about our country. We may have differing opinions about how to handle the border, but no one, except maybe the anarchist, is trying to undermine the US.

      Finally, I think its really sad to watch how conservatives have perverted Christianity to push their political agenda. One can’t support todays conservative agenda after reading the Beatitudes.

      • Alvin Monero

        Border Agents have outright admitted that Militias (which stretch far along the border, & not just this guy’s property) have made a difference in slowing down ILLEGAL INVADER crossings. Google it.

        • Tricky Rick

          Everything I have read/researched, including articles/quotes on Google, indicate that law enforcement agencies, including the Border Patrol, don’t want vigilantes or militia groups on the border primarily because they create additional hazards to everyone. These guys are not protecting our border. At best, they are guarding a small piece of private property. They pose no threat to any cartel or terrorist organization. If they want to shoot at people there are any number of paintball facilities that will accommodate their law enforcement fantasies.

          • Alvin Monero

            Reading comprehension problems? Did you miss the part of the article where they said they ‘don’t want to be shooting’? The part where they booted a potential recruit because he seemed too gung-ho to shoot someone?
            Try doing a good google-scouring on the Net on this issue, and reading past the first few hits (which will be Mainstream Media) that will inevitably come to the top of the list. You WILL find border Agents who say as I earlier referred to.

          • mikestrong


          • Tricky Rick

            “Don’t take your guns to town son, leave your guns at home Bill, don’t take your guns to town.” A quote from mommy.

        • mikestrong

          They won’t Google it; takes too much brain power, and they won’t like what they read. Fuckin COWARDS

          • Hemidemisemiquaver

            So, Google it on our behalf. Educate us. Help us. Be a leader. With leadership.

            Oh wait, we’re cowards and probably so stupid we wouldn’t understand.

            How convenient for you.

  • mikestrong

    Let’s see any of you PUSSIES go to the Border and assist. Fuckin little bitches scared to help stand up for America, but let them protect yout rights to spout out your fuckin coward bullshit comments?

  • mikestrong

    Easy to talk all your fuckin coward shit sittin behind your computers. Every one of you little bitchass punks too afraid to do something worthy un your pathetic little protected lives. Fuckin mama’s boys

  • mikestrong

    Watch the YouTube video of the Arizona farmer that got in a gunfight with an ILLEGAL….you stupid fucks.

  • YouKnowMe

    Buncha stupid dripbags.