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West Texas Seeing ‘Driest Such Period in Over a Century’

Conditions ‘Remain Dire,’ Outlook Says The drought that began in October 2010 has been the driest such period in over a century for much of West Texas, putting it on par with the drought of record in the 1950s. That’s according to a new outlook from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and it [...]

Wichita Falls Sees Wastewater Recycling As Solution To Drinking Water Shortage

From KERA News: Wichita Falls could soon become the first in the country where half of the drinking water comes directly from wastewater. Yes, that includes water from toilets. For some citizens, that’s a little tough to swallow. Mayor Glenn Barham says three years of extreme drought have changed life for 104,000 people living in [...]

Smaller Water Bills Flow Through the House, But Big Funding Misses Out

Efforts to overhaul land rights failed in this years regular legislative session.

The flow of water legislation continued this week as the House passed several bills that could affect one of Texas’ dearest natural resources. Thursday was the deadline for most bills originating in the House to come to floor for a vote. (The Senate has some more time, however.) StateImpact Texas compiled a short list of [...]

With Fate of Water Plan in Limbo, House Committee Pushes Smaller Water Bills

A supercell storm west of Newcastle, Texas tries to build up strength April 9, 2013.

Quicker than a spring thunderstorm, the House Natural Resources Committee met and pushed forward several bills at the Capitol this morning. While several smaller pieces of legislation were approved, representatives at the meeting managed to avoid talk of HB 11, a marquee piece of water legislation torpedoed on the House floor Monday evening. A bill [...]

Finding Water Amid Drought: Legislature Considers Options

Texas lawmakers are looking beyond just reservoirs to find water for a thirsty, growing state.

John Nielson-Gammon, Texas’ State Climatologist, offered a grim forecast to kick off a joint House and Senate Natural Resources Committee meeting today at the Capitol. “There’s still a good chance this will end up being the drought of record for most of the state,” he said. Several officials from state agencies involved with Texas’ water [...]

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