Bands You Should Be Listening to

Oh boy, somebody found a way to make John Wayne Gacy even scarier.

Dark Cabaret to Keep Halloween Spooky & Fun

Dark cabaret! What is it? Who plays it? Does it involve the ladies in stockings who kick very high? The answer to all of these questions is: “Halloween!” Which is to say, there’s no better […]


Ooooeee, that dame's got pipes AND gams!

Finally! A “Call Me Maybe” Cover You Can Fox-Trot to

by Brendan McGinley Badass troubadours Postmodern Jukebox specialize in alternate genre covers, like their country-western cover of Ke$ha’s “Die Young,” (go listen. We promise it’s much more tolerable than the original!) but their specialty is […]


Sometimes she's leather, sometimes she's lace. That's what makes a well-rounded woman.

Girlfriend Audition: Jillette Johnson

We’re not going to tell you why Jillette Johnson is a great musician because we did that yesterday.  Instead we’re going to feed this crush we’ve been nursing for the last 24 hours and flirt […]


Water in a Whale is powerful, yet vulnerable. (Photo: Rebecca Miller)

10 Weird Questions with Jillette Johnson

Singer/songwriter Jillette Johnson has a powerful voice and a new album, Water in a Whale, that makes even our stony hearts a little tender. What sets her apart from the usual muck and fuss of […]


The weird thing is, he's not even the only steampunk battle rapper out there.

An Interview with Professor Elemental

by Luke McKinney The Man Cave is now a hangar for rocket-powered zeppelins, and our faithful butler is fighting a gorilla by the drinks cabinet. At least, we think they’re fighting. Either way there’s a […]


While technically video game music, this is not what we mean at all

Video Game Music: I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

by Dan Morgridge   So you’ve decided to hate video game music. Hey, that’s not out of the ordinary. Some kid in high school made you listen to his acoustic guitar version of “Aria de Mezzo […]



Five Rappers You Should Be Listening to

by Dan Morgridge Sometimes, a guy’s just not that into tunes — sad, but understandable. Sometimes, a guy’s into teenage girl pop and he pretends he’s just not that into tunes. (Look around you. One […]


Six Female Musicians You Should Be Listening to

Look man, I am not going to blame you for not being a fan of girl-fronted bands. Tori Amos’s lyrics might make you feel guilty for being male and the deafening wail of Evanescence’s Amy […]



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