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ACEEE Intelligent Efficiency Conference


"Mainstreaming Intelligent Efficiency"

November 16, 2014 - November 18, 2014
Hyatt Regency San Francisco (Embarcadero)
San Francisco, CA


2014 Conference Partners




Intelligent Efficiency Conference Overview

Intelligent efficiency holds the promise of substantially reducing energy use while transforming many energy-using markets. To achieve this outcome will require collaboration among the efficiency, technology, and user communities. These communities are largely distinct, and few opportunities have existed to date for the energy efficiency and technology communities to interact. Past interactions have been limited to speakers from one community addressing assemblies of the other.

ACEEE’s first Intelligent Efficiency Conference intends to convene these diverse communities to facilitate the sharing of ideas and forming of partnerships that can advance adoption of intelligent efficiency in the marketplace. The Intelligent Efficiency Conference will provide an opportunity to hear from thought leaders and innovators to learn what is happening in this rapidly evolving world, and to serve as a crucible for the formation of new policies, program strategies and commercial ventures.

Likely Participants Include: Energy efficiency program developers and administrators, state and local government policymakers, staff, and associations, chief technology officers and chief information officers, service providers, investors, entrepreneurs, hardware and software developers, ICT solution providers, building automation providers, and smart manufacturing, smart transportation, smart buildings, and smart cities leaders.