Roland Laurenzo Announces El Tiempo 1308 Cantina Probably Will Have to Move

Categories: Restaurant News

But where will we go for killer margaritas?

Sometime after the start of the year, El Tiempo 1308 Cantina will have to move.

Roland Laurenzo announced this in an email today, saying that his landlord is selling the land to someone for an apartment project.

No word on where they'll be moving to, other than it won't be too far away.

Here's the message:

"El Tiempo 1308 Cantina, 1308 Montrose Blvd., may and probably will be moving next year, (first quarter sometime) due to the fact that the land underneath the restaurant is being sold by our landlord for a multistory apartment project development. We hope to move into another spot generally in the same neighborhood within a mile or so if we can do so and we do have a couple prospective spots but too soon to announce any prospects.
Thank you, Roland Laurenzo"

Location Info

El Tiempo Cantina

1308 Montrose, Houston, TX

Category: Restaurant

My Voice Nation Help

Not sure about all the hand wringing/press about this.  How long has this location been there, like 5-6 years?

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