Ebola has killed thousands of people. Act now to stop its deadly spread.

Ebola outbreak

Help save lives

Each day brings news of the deepening Ebola crisis in West Africa. Oxfam is working to get water to treatment centers, training and equipment to public health teams, and information to families about how to stay safe in the face of this deadly threat. 

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How we're responding

The outbreak of Ebola that is ravaging communities across Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea is the worst on record. The number of cases is doubling nearly every 20 days, and the fatality rates are chilling.

Oxfam’s response to the epidemic is focused on prevention – on keeping health workers safe by providing critical supplies and equipment, and on making sure those living on the front lines of this emergency have the knowledge they need to protect their families and communities.

In Sierra Leone and Liberia, our program includes:

  • providing water infrastructure to health centers;
  • training health workers in how to protect themselves and others in this emergency;
  • supplying health workers with protective gear like masks, overalls, gloves, and boots, as well as equipment like sprayers and mops;
  • distributing hygiene kits (soap, bleach, and other supplies) to families;
  • setting up hand-washing stations; and
  • supporting outreach in at-risk communities, through posters, billboards, radio and text messages,  and door-to-door campaigns.

In nearby Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea Bissau, we are now launching similar prevention programs.

Oxfam is rapidly scaling up it programs, with the goal of helping four million people protect themselves from the disease. But resources for this emergency are scarce, and we urgently need your help.

We need your help.

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