Democratic Governors Association

National organization based in Washington, D.C., that supports Democratic gubernatorial candidates.

Subsidiaries: Connecticut Forward, Jobs and Opportunity
Type: 527 committee
Who's calling the shots?: Ad wars: TV ads in 2014 state races
$15.2 million
estimated TV ad spending on
state-level races in the 2014 cycle
What's behind these numbers?
times ads ran
$785,600 general Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.

Kantar Media/CMAG monitors TV signals for political advertising nationwide, capturing ads each time they run. Then, using a proprietary formula, it estimates how much placing each ad costs.

Like any estimate, it's imperfect. Here's what it covers, and what it doesn't:

  • Just placement on TV — The estimate only covers TV ads, not other kinds of political messages, such as ads that appear on radio or online. The estimate also only includes how much money a candidate or organization spent to place the ad, not to make it.
  • No local cable — Kantar Media monitors local broadcast TV in all 210 media markets, as well as national network and national cable TV advertising. If an ad runs on a local cable channel, it won't be counted here.
  • Any political ad — Unlike records filed at the Federal Elections Commission, this information includes so-called “issue ads” that mention a Senate candidate but don’t overtly call for the candidate’s election or defeat. Unless run immediately before a primary or general election, issue ad spending does not have to be reported to the FEC.
  • No future ads — Unlike some records from the Federal Communications Commission, it only counts ads that have already run. Future ad buys are not included.
  • Subject to dispute — Since the estimate is based on a formula, it may not exactly reflect what placing the ad actually cost. Think of the cost estimate as a well-informed guess, which can provide useful points of comparison.

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$15.2 million
est. total $8.9 million
ran 4,746
mixed ads
$2.4 million
targeting Rick Snyder

$6.4 million
targeting Rick Snyder

ran 2,893
negative ads
$4 million
targeting Tom Foley

est. total $1.3 million
ran 347
mixed ads
targeting Asa Hutchinson

$1.1 million
targeting Asa Hutchinson

ran 1,360
negative ads
targeting Larry Hogan

ran 1,099
negative ads
targeting Nikki Haley

current through October 27, 2014 — updates Thursdays
includes preliminary data for most recent week

Source: Center for Public Integrity analysis of Kantar Media/CMAG, National Institute on Money in State Politics data
What's behind these numbers?