Fred Schulte

Senior Reporter  The Center for Public Integrity

Schulte is a four-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, most recently in 2007 for a series on Baltimore’s arcane ground rent system. Schulte’s other Pulitzer-nominated projects exposed excessive heart surgery death rates in veterans’ hospitals, substandard care by health insurance plans treating low-income people and the hidden dangers of cosmetic surgery in medical offices. He spent much of his career at the Baltimore Sun and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. Schulte has received the George Polk Award, two Investigative Reporters and Editors awards, three Gerald Loeb Awards for business writing and two Worth Bingham Prizes for investigative reporting. The University of Virginia graduate is also the author of Fleeced!, an exposé of telemarketing scams.

California litigation alleges 'house calls" yielded false claims

GAO will investigate program spending.

Researchers say aggressive billing by private plans may require more scrutiny

States lack oversight but feds are struggling to keep with fast-growing health plans.

Federal study criticizes Medicare Advantage and calls for changes.

Impact: Feds act to recoup overcharges following Center investigation.

Government inspector says private Medicare plans difficult to investigate due to lack of access to data.

Secretive audits target some Medicare Advantage plans.

Definitions for lesser-known terms relating to Medicare.

Under pressure, Medicare Advantage critics morph into defenders.

Medicare Advantage home visits may not improve health, but boost risk scores and cost taxpayers billions.

Explaining risk scores, Medicare Advantage and what alleged overbilling could mean for the Affordable Care Act.

Billions in Medicare Advantage overpayments likely gone for good.

Lawsuit: executives worried health plan would be ‘screwed’ if feds heard of overcharges.

Critics warned of billing abuse in Medicare Advantage health plans, but oversight is lagging.

Center sues to make records public.

Whistleblower suit at center of Medicare Advantage overbilling allegations.

Proposal seeks to counter alleged over-billing with standardized rate

Groups alarmed by proposed cuts for HHS inspector general.

Trims include ObamaCare oversight

Agency couldn't investigate 1,200 complaints, and more cuts coming.

Baltimore session looks at role of electronic health records in higher medical bills.

Report says $35 billion Obama administration stimulus program not working

Are feds doing all they can to ferret out waste from move to electronic records?

Agency's crippled oversight of the industry means troubled gun dealers can stay open for years.

Center story detailed how Baltimore woman lost home over a water bill

Legislators want to crack down, but NRA says history shows regulation is not effective

Medicare budget-cutters are targeting extra charges by hospitals

Feds increase scrutiny of how electronic systems affect billing

Medicare paid providers billions to adopt electronic records without checking to see they're meeting quality goals
