
Part of the largest grassroots environmental organization in the country, Sierra Club Outings provides environmentally friendly outdoor adventures—from Tahoe to Tibet—for people of all ages, abilities, and interests. We've been doing it for more than a century, ever since Sierra Club founder John Muir discovered an essential truth while out hiking the high country: If you want people to go to bat for the environment, you've got to get them into the wilderness. He said back in 1901:

"If people in general could be got into the woods, even for once, to hear the trees speak for themselves, all difficulties in the way of forest preservation would vanish"

That's always been the guiding principle here, and it's resulted in a lot of excellent trips, year after year. But there's another thing that sets our program apart: the volunteer leaders who scout, plan, and lead all of our outings. Nobody pays them for their efforts. They do it out of an appreciation for these special places, and a passion for sharing them with you. Got a question about a trip? Our leaders have the answers, and they're more than willing to fill you in. Just check the biographies at the bottom of our trip brochures for the leader's e-mail address. If you'd prefer to speak to a leader by phone, just contact us and we'll set you up. There's no shortage of reasons to travel with us, but here's a final one. No matter where we are—whether swinging from a zip line in Costa Rica, repairing a trail in New Mexico, or puffing up a switchback in the Cascades—we never forget the Sierra Club's mission: to explore, enjoy, and protect the planet. Over the years, we've found that these ideals mesh pretty well. Why not join us on a trip and find out for yourself?

Happy travels!