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Title I - Air Pollution Prevention and Control

This page has links to Clean Air Act sections that are part of the U.S. Code Collection maintained by the Legal Information Institute of the Cornell University Law School. EPA does not control the content of that website. Exit EPA Disclaimer

Part A - Air Quality and Emission Limitations

Section Title
Clean Air Act U.S. Code
101 7401 Congressional findings and declaration of purpose
102 7402 Cooperative activities
103 7403 Research, investigation, training, and other activities
104 7404 Research relating to fuels and vehicles
105 7405 Grants for support of air pollution planning and control programs
106 7406 Interstate air quality agencies; program cost limitations
107 7407 Air quality control regions
108 7408 Air quality criteria and control techniques
109 7409 National primary and secondary ambient air quality standards
110 7410 State implementation plans for national primary and secondary ambient air quality standards
111 7411 Standards of performance for new stationary sources
112 7412 Hazardous air pollutants
113 7413 Federal enforcement
114 7414 Recordkeeping, inspections, monitoring, and entry
115 7415 International air pollution
116 7416 Retention of State authority
117 7417 Advisory committees
118 7418 Control of pollution from Federal facilities
119 7419 Primary nonferrous smelter orders
120 7420 Noncompliance penalty
121 7421 Consultation
122 7422 Listing of certain unregulated pollutants
123 7423 Stack heights
124 7424 Assurance of adequacy of State plans
125 7425 Measures to prevent economic disruption or unemployment
126 7426 Interstate pollution abatement
127 7427 Public notification
128 7428 State boards
129 7429 Solid waste combustion
130 7430 Emission factors
131 7431 Land use authority

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Part B - Ozone Protection

The 1990 Amendments of the Clean Air Act repealed Part B and replaced it with Title VI - Stratospheric Ozone Protection.

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Part C - Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality

Section Title
Clean Air Act U.S. Code
Subpart 1 - Clean Air
160 7470 Purposes
161 7471 Plan requirements
162 7472 Initial classifications
163 7473 Increments and ceilings
164 7474 Area redesignation
165 7475 Preconstruction requirements
166 7476 Other pollutants
167 7477 Enforcement
168 7478 Period before plan approval
169 7479 Definitions
Subpart 2 - Visibility Protection
169A 7491 Visibility protection for Federal class I areas
169B 7492 Visibility

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Part D - Plan Requirements for Nonattainment Areas

Section Title
Clean Air Act U.S. Code
Subpart 1 - Nonattainment Areas in General
171 7501 Definitions
172 7502 Nonattainment plan provisions
173 7503 Permit requirements
174 7504 Planning procedures
175 7505 Environmental Protection Agency grants.
175A 7505a Maintenance Plans
176 7506 Limitation on certain Federal assistance
176A 7506a Interstate transport commissions
177 7507 New motor vehicle emission standards in nonattainment areas
178 7508 Guidance documents
179 7509 Sanctions and consequences of failure to attain
179B 7509a International border areas
Subpart 2 - Additional Provisions for Ozone Nonattainment Areas
181 7511 Classifications and attainment dates
182 7511a Plan submissions and requirements
183 7511b Federal ozone measures
184 7511c Control of interstate ozone air pollution
185 7511d Enforcement for Severe and Extreme ozone nonattainment areas for failure to attain
185A 7511e Transitional areas
185B 7511f NOx and VOC study
Subpart 3 - Additional Provisions for carbon monoxide nonattainment areas
186 7512 Classification and attainment dates
187 7512a Plan submissions and requirements
Subpart 4 -Additional Provisions for particulate matter nonattainment
188 7513 Classification and attainment dates
189 7513a Plan provisions and schedules for plan submissions
190 7513b Issuance of RACM and BACM guidance
Subpart 5 - Additional provisions for designated nonattainment for sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, or lead
191 7514 Plan submission deadlines
192 7514a Attainment dates
Subpart 6 - Savings provisions
193 7515 General savings clause

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