I Pissed Off Megadeth This Week, My (Former) Favorite Band

Categories: Fiesta!

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These guys are not happy with me.
When I began interviewing bands eight years ago, my ultimate goal was to interview one person: Dave Mustaine from Megadeth, my favorite band since I was thirteen years old. Sitting in front of my parents' computer and ruining my ears through a pair of oversize headphones, I listened and loved Mustaine's snarling vocals and impossibly fast guitar solos. I sat in school and drew pictures of their strange skull mascot, which looked like it was wearing evil braces. I even bought some stupid-ass comic books that were based around the band.

See Also: Iron Maiden and Megadeth at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, Review 9/8/13

I grew older and found out about smoking pot. I had a phase where I listened to nothing but gabber music. I had a phase where I was into late-'90s industrial metal. I even had a hip-hop phase when I managed to catch P.O.S.' first show at the Triple Rock Social Club in Minneapolis.

Throughout all of these segments of musical distraction, one thing stayed constant: my love of Megadeth.

Even to this day, I can still be found stumbling through bars or yelling from rides at amusement parks, debating Megadeth's superior status in the realm of heavy-metal music. In 2009 Metallica played at the Target Center in Minneapolis. On my way home, I stopped people outside of the arena to ask them who they were going to see. After they said, "Metallica," I'd force-feed them my rehearsed answer of, "Oh, you mean that Megadeth cover band?" (For anyone who participated in activities outside of doing drugs in high school, Megadeth's lead singer used to play in Metallica until he got kicked out. He formed Megadeth out of spite and swore to become better and more well-known than Metallica.)

Shortly after the heated exchanges that occurred outside of the downtown venue, I took my status as a Megadeth tried-and-true dirtbag one step further. On a crisp morning before heading out to my job working for the federal government, I keyed "Megadeth" into the side passenger door of my 1998 Mazda 626. I had already keyed the word "car" into one of the doors earlier that week and realized that if I was just keying things into my car, I should key in something meaningful.

Drew Ailes
An actual photo of my actual car.

On a bright summer day, I still catch glares from my elders and giggles from my peers. I see them mouth the word "MEG-GUH-DETH" as I drive by, and I wonder if they know what it means.

Once, I deliberately thought about Megadeth every day for 27 days in a row.

It wasn't that I am or ever was Megadeth's No. 1 fan by any means. While I listen to the first four albums weekly, I stopped following the band after 1997's Cryptic Writings. But I continued to be intrigued by the band and in particular by its frontman, Dave Mustaine, who had become a born-again Christian and seemed even more "uneven" than the rock & roll tabloids I read about him in when I was young. Once, he said that women in Africa who have too many kids should "put a plug in it." He made "birther" remarks about Obama and claimed that the Sandy Hook Massacre was a conspiracy to take away our guns.

It was fascinating to see a man who once wrote openly Satanic songs and cover the Sex Pistols become a right-winger. But while all of the websites called him a bigoted moron, I stayed with Megadeth.

"I bet he's just trying to get a rise out of people. I bet once you talk to him alone, he's real caring and genuine," I thought.

Continue to the next page for more.

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Blake Kelley
Blake Kelley

So this guy is pissed at megadeth for his fuck up...dumb


And really, how diva is it that you cant suck it up and do what people who actually had integrity for their chosen field, that being journalism, and take notes, you know, with a pen or a pencil?  And enclosing the snippet from the guy you probably shouldn't have interviewed anyways because it seems you probably would have went off about Mexico and his personal view points on it, you need to see you lack of professionalism, you should be embarrassed, yet that guy is a dick because he showed you that.  I blame Seth Rogen for this arrogance.


Obviously this is a better way to admit you stop liking someones music because they hold different political views than you.

Payg Bitzer
Payg Bitzer

I remember reading this when it came out. Despite it all...its a fantastic article!


Why would this make you not like Megadeth? The interview attempt was a cluster but that's all it was.


It is weird how you can still be into a band and not really care about their newer music at all. I really quit caring about Megadeth after Risk came out. But still buy their albums out of some sort of weird habit.


Benman, you're a selfish bitch.... Mr. Ailes, your story was great and entertaining, and dealing with rockstar ego's is like walking a very thin tightrope... People that go out of their way to be mean to people, are just that... Mean people... Some make great music... Some make great movies... But in the race that is human... Being humane and humble... That is the key.... It was a great read...


and in the end, youre just a lowly douche guy writing an article because of your politics....

and Dave is still being nominated for Grammys and will go down as one of the best metal musicians in history

go you!



This was probably more interesting than an interview.





None of these people have a sense of humor and are all professional journalists. 

Joe Happy-Pork Chop Wood
Joe Happy-Pork Chop Wood

Haters... This was a funny as hell article. And probably more interesting than if all had gone well. Megadeath 0 = RFT Music 1!

Less Franken
Less Franken

why do I always regret reading anything from the RFT... lolz smh


I grew up on metal and classic rock, Megadeth has always been way more into themselves than the general popluation has. They had 1 mediocre hit and have always had the diva complex. And now Mustaine must be trying to tap into that ever present KKK/Skinhead movement with his recent political antics, just sad.

Drew Ailes
Drew Ailes

man that writer must be a real moron


The lesson Drew should have taken from this is not to screw around with Google Voice or similar apps.  I just got a pickup mic on Amazon for like $12.00, and it works perfectly.  Yeah, the publicist was acting like a dick, but you've gotta be prepared.

Either way, I'm frankly amazed that he had such a hard time coming up with questions for his "favorite" band.

Dan Allen
Dan Allen

It's odd to see how excited the RFT is to show that their writing staff is very unprofessional.

Aaron Wilbers
Aaron Wilbers

The one thing I got from that article is that you are an amateur and a bit of an idiot.

Eve Moon
Eve Moon

I understand being disappointed by meeting a rock musician you love (it's happened to me), but your blog reads like a fanboy rambling rather than the words of a journalist. How long do you need to put together research and/or questions for a band you've loved since you were a kid? Ellefson's actions are understandable.

Rachel Webb
Rachel Webb

What kind of journalist can't pull together an interview on one day's notice? I've interviewed cabinet members on less time than that.


This was a good story. The end. Don't read so deeply into who fucked this up but recognize a fascinating tale when one is told from the legends of old. Good article.

Roy Jacobs
Roy Jacobs

Neither, Metallica nor Megadeath. I am all for Milli Vanilli ..They rock!


that's not the best reason to have a band stop being your favorite. shit happens.


I really hope you read the comments here and realize you are 100% in the wrong.  I was just as pissed if not more than the guy you tried to interview by reading your own account.  When you ask someone to do you a favor you make 100% sure everything will work ahead of time.  It's as simple as that.  Not having the time to take off is somewhat understandable given the late notice.  Not having questions, not giving the right number, not knowing how to work you own phone absolultly not. Now blaming the band??? I hope this is not a sign of the lack of personal responsibility we will see with people coming of age.  Good luck working at a Halloween store until you are 40 and blaming somone else for your raw deal. 


What a whiny piss-ant


I've been in a number of semi-successful bands which have had fans call us for interviews, and who have inundated our inbox with messages, requests for interviews and other things of the like. Me and my bandmates always strived to treat each person with the same respect they show us. Fans are the only thing that make your band cool. Period. Treating them like shmucks is absolutely bogus, unprofessional and rather un-godly of a metal legend. "Waah I rescheduled some shit and someone was so taken aback by my awesome presence that he choked during a 30 second interview waaah" what a huge bitch-baby. That juvenile, egomaniac rockstar attitude is the opposite of what bands these days need in order to proliferate and build a fan base. The fact that they treated you like the Associated Press fucking up a huge thing was shocking. If they truly deserved to be where they are today, they would have handled the mishap gracefully, without throwing a princess baby fit and having one of their ass-wipers email you to bitch you out. Don't feel so bad, and try not to take it so personally. This article was a phenomenal read, and you got good things ahead of you. You'll be laughing about this soon. 

Christine Henry
Christine Henry

This guy's got enough sour grapes to make a case of shit wine...


Your under-critics are a bit harder on you than I imagine they are on themselves.  Or perhaps, they are those ever-elusive ppl types who never make any mistakes that they admit.  Obviously, they are not about to admit they have ever had a bad day.  

It was an enjoyable read. The descriptions of past events carried it along.  There's a book called, "You Can't Make This Stuff Up," that could help your writing.  In my experience, writers tend to read as much as they write so it  wouldn''t be a total waste. Your local library almost certainly has copy.

Thanks for the diversion.

Angel Factor

Tessa Smith
Tessa Smith

"Ain't nobody got time for that" article!

Sara Walker
Sara Walker

How were you not equipped to interview your subject, let alone a member of your favorite band? How does a writer not have a voice recorder ready, as well as the voice recorder application featured on ALL CELL PHONES in the 21st century? I will say I'm impressed by how the writer made me second-guess Mustane, et al., of being the assholes of the story. Most would find that beyond difficult. Kudos?

Benjamin A. Snow
Benjamin A. Snow

Just saying, there's a reason why Megadeth's lineup changes every six months. Mustine's ego, yo!


Wow! Is this best writers the RFT can or will hire? Seriously, maybe he is in the wrong line of work. Glad to see someone so proud of their inability to do their job. I suggest the RFT just picks random readers to do a story. At least I would then expect them to get the damn interview done.


Too bad you guys stopped hiring local writers, much less anyone who actually cares about their assignments and the subject matter.

Bill Long
Bill Long

Metallica..and Justice For All

Whit Movesian
Whit Movesian

Megadeth still. At least they have talent in their band, no matter how big of dicks they are. They also have never done a movie where they were crying about how hard their lives are.

Jason Gerfers
Jason Gerfers

Talk about an anti-climactic story...sheesh. So Drew pisses off the Bass God of all metal and now HE is done with their music?

Thomas P Brasile Jr
Thomas P Brasile Jr

Man, Drew Ailes is one pathetic LOSER! ##%#!% up the interview, then keys AND kicks a dent in his own car? DOUCHEBAG! Maybe I should key up my car, refuse to shower, stop giving a damn about anything, then maybe I'd meet the criteria for employment at a shithouse like RFT

Fritz Krieg
Fritz Krieg

There's a perfect example of a non Oliver Reed type man, Devon....


@dickchester 1 mediocre hit

you have absolutely no grasp of the genre...

40 million album sales.....

second only to metallica in their genre...


@Rachel Webb Completely different field, not relevant.


Oh hey there Sara!  I know you!  Yeah, this article is kinda sad because like, I know he didn't mean to screw this whole thing up, but he did, and he needs to just admit to himself that it was his screw up and no one, not even his favorite band, owes him a third, fourth, fifth chance...

To the author, if I were you I would just concentrate on admitting to yourself that you blew it and it wasn't anyone else's fault.  Then forgive yourself and move on.  Make sure to learn from it.


@Jason Gerfers  The bass god of ALL metal? Please stop listening to metal. 

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