Face Your Demons in ‘Justice League 3000′ #11

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So...Superman's counterpart is Roxy from Gen-13?

So…Superman’s counterpart is Roxy from Gen-13?

Demons–nobody likes ‘em, except at Halloween. Then suddenly everyone wants to be one. Well lucky you, fanboy, Etrigan has arrived in Justice League 3000, and assuming they still celebrate Halloween in the future, you’ve got the best costume of all: a Demon suit that wears you as much as you wear it!

Of course, that raises the question of whether the oath to summon him is the same in Interlac, and does it still rhyme? What if Etrigan spoke a language that had no rhymes, like Sandawe? Would he just keep his big ol’ lantern-jawed yapper shut, or would he admit defeat? Are demons even capable of quitting? After all, it’s not like they ever have anything better to do. It’s either cause havoc on Earth or go back to the worst pain imaginable forever. When you think about it, they’re probably speaking in rhyme just to keep from going crazy with boredom or pain or both.

…anyway, here’s your preview of the book, by some of the longest-running talent the Justice League’s ever enjoyed. Try not to ponder Hell too much in future Halloween celebrations.


Yesss! We’ve hit the Evil Twin issue!


Did you notice Wolverine and Ambush Bug?


Aw, it’s not Elijah Snow, it’s that bratty kid from all the other issues. He was surly enough we mistook him for a badass.


To survive dealings with a sociopath you have to act like a sociopath.


The worst part of this whole affair is now the people love Maximus more than him.


And the exact second the runes are sealed, you realize you left your keys in there.

See the future in Justice League 3000 #11, out Wednesday!

Brendan McGinley is editor round these parts when not writing comics or Cracked columns. You can say a neighborly hello to him on Twitter @BrendanMcGinley.

Brendan recently interviewed the Batman Eternal creators about how much fun they’re having and picked Pete Tomasi’s brain about Gotham.

Batman does what Batman wants.

They’re here to make a kickass Batman, and “Everyone Else is Boned.”


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