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New York has seen its highest level of employment since the recession in recent months, and the city's long-term hiring outlook is promising. The job market is especially encouraging if you are pursuing one of the 10 best jobs in New York for 2014.

The Best Jobs in New York for 2014

Unfortunately, many job seekers make mistakes during their job interviews that cost them the opportunity. Here are seven tips to help you avoid errors.

Seven Tips to Help You Prepare for a Job Interview

For many of us, nothing quickens the heart rate or sends a chill down our spines like a job interview. Preparation for the scariest interview questions is essential.

Scary Job Interview Questions

Freelancing is a nontraditional career choice, so it doesn't quite make sense to approach freelance resumes as you would traditional ones.

 Five Resume-Writing Essentials for Freelancers

The best jobs in engineering and IT truly are the “best of the best.” That's because each job is not only the best in these technical fields, but the top-rated of all types of jobs nationally in 2014.

Jobs Rated Report: The Nation's Best STEM Jobs

Congratulations: You have a new job offer. Don't let the initial excitement of a possible position prevent you from researching the company's culture before you make your decision.

Know The Company Before Accepting An Offer

Don't let yourself become one of five office personalities others seek to avoid. Check yourself at work with these tips.

5 Employees You Don’t Want to Be – And How to Prevent It

Information technology and engineering offer the most promising career paths in the Alabama employment landscape, according to the 2014 CareerCast Jobs Rated report.

The Best Jobs in Alabama for 2014
New York Jobs
New York Jobs
Interview Prep
Interview Prep
Scary Questions
Scary Questions
Freelance Resume
Freelance Resume
IT & Engineering
IT & Engineering
Know Company
Know Company
Bad Behavior
Bad Behavior
Alabama Jobs
Alabama Jobs

Jobs Rated

10 Best Jobs of 2014

Careers in IT, math and healthcare highlight the best jobs of 2014.

10 Worst Jobs of 2014

The worst jobs of 2014 present workers with unique challenges.

Media Coverage

All the best TV coverage of the 2013 and 2014 Jobs Rated Reports.

Career Advice

Seven Tips to Help You Prepare for a...

Unfortunately, many job seekers make mistakes during their job interviews that cost them...

Scary Job Interview Questions

For many of us, nothing quickens the heart rate or sends a chill down our spines like a job...

5 Employees You Don’t Want to Be –...

Don't let yourself become one of five office personalities others seek to avoid. Check...

Career Resources

Jobs Rated

Prepare for a career change with the Jobs Rated reports.

Job Search Stalled?

Check out these resume writing services from Martin Yate, CPC.

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Target your job search with CareerCast Networks.

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