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Gas Rush: Fracking in Depth

Wednesday, 25 April 2012 15:52 By Staff and Contributors, Truthout | Gas Rush

Gas Rush: Fracking in Depth

"Gas Rush" is the place to find original insight and analysis on one of the most heated environmental debates in America. As fracking spreads across the country, Truthout chronicles earthquakes, blowouts, political battles and a swelling grassroots opposition. Gas drilling is quickly changing the landscape in Washington and our own backyards, and it's time to hold the government and industry accountable.

Time Is Running Out for Activists to Halt Fracked Gas Pipeline Into New York City, Connecticut, Rhode Island
By Ellen Cantarow, Truthout | News Analysis

New York State of Fracking
By Naveena Sadasivam, ProPublica | Report

California Halts Injection of Fracking Waste, Warning It May Be Contaminating Aquifers
By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | Report

Right-Wingers Advised to Invest in Water as Fracking in Drought Areas Prompts Activism
By Jessica Mason, PRWatch | Report

Triumph for Citizens in Florida as Hughes Oil Company Drops Fracking Project
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

A Fracking Boondoggle
By Tracy Fernandez Rysavy, OtherWords | Op-Ed

A Field Day for Fracking
By Wenonah Hauter, OtherWords | Op-Ed

California's Fracking Boom Just Got Busted
By Mike Ludwig, Truthut | Report

Louisiana Residents Gear Up for Fracking Fight Just Outside New Orleans
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Barnett Shale Fracking Victims Win First Round in Court Battle With Gas Industry
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Environmentalists Call for Ban on Fracking in Ohio After Earthquakes
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Whistleblower Evan Voke's Evidence Against TransCanada Whitewashed By Regulators
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Denton, Texas Citizens Group Fights for Fracking Ban
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Earthquakes Rattle Texas Towns in the Barnett Shale
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Triple Divide: Interview With Mark Ruffalo on Fracking Documentary
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Interview and Video

Big Oil, Bad Air: Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas
By Jim Morris, Lisa Song and David Hasemyer, The Center for Public Integrity | News Analysis

"Frackgate": Ohio Regulators Planned to Subvert Eco-Groups, Promote Fracking in State Parks
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Could Florida Become the New Fracking Frontier?
By Roger Drouin, Truthout | News Analysis

Shale Stories: Obama's Clean Energy Future Is a Fracking Nightmare for Rural America
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Nordheim: a Texas Town Facing a Toxic Future
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

You Won't Believe Who's Teaching Children to LOVE Fracking!                                        
By Lee Camp, SpeakOut | Video

EPA: California Offshore Frackers Must Disclose Chemicals Dumped Into Ocean
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Steve Lipsky Responds to Report Clearing EPA of Wrongdoing in Fracking Water Contamination Study
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Interview

Stop Governor Brown's Plan to Frack California - Hearings Start Today                                By Dan Bacher, The Fish Sniffer | Op-Ed

Canada's Lubicon Lake Nation Continue Anti-Fracking Campaign, Appeal Court Injunction  By Shaghayegh Tajvidi, The Real News Network | Video Report

Eagle Ford Shale: Breathe at Your Own Risk                                                                           By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report 

Fracking: The Bay Delta Conservation Plan Would Provide Water for Mining
By Paul Rockwell, San Jose Mercury News | Op-Ed

Marc McCord on How Dallas Was Saved From Frac'ing
By Julie Dermansky, Truthout | News

Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals Found in Water at Fracking Sites
Neela Banerjee, Los Angeles Times | Report

Urban Fracking Bonanza Threatens Dallas Suburbs
Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Welcome to Gasland: Denton, Texas Residents Face Fracking Impacts From EagleRidge Energy
Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Oscar Leon, The Real News Network | Video Report
Steve Horn, DeSmog Blog | Report
Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
 By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Fracking in Paradise
By Ramon Galindo, RT America | Video Report

Dirty Energy's Dirty Tactics: Boulder on the Front Lines of the Renewable Energy Future
By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, Truthout | News Analysis

Frackonomics: The Science and Economics of the Gas Boom
By Rob Larson, Dollars and Sense | News Analysis

Special Investigation: Fracking in the Ocean Off the California Coast
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is Gas Land
By Peter Rugh, Waging Nonviolence | Report

Revealed: Gen. David Petraeus' Course Syllabus Features "Frackademia" Readings
By Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog | Report

Marcellus Shale Advocacy Group Receives $150,000 for "Independent Study", While Health Impact Study Rots in Committee
By Sean Kitchen, Raging Chicken Press | Report

Former Mobil VP Warns of Fracking and Climate Change
By Ellen Cantarow, Truthout | Interview

Will Ohio Be Fracking's Radioactive Dumping Ground?
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
The Mines That Fracking Built, Part Two
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
The Mines That Fracking Built 
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Fracking the Suburbs: An Explosive Combination?
By Peter Pearsall, Yes! Magazine | Report

By Ellen Cantarow, Truthout | Report
By Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog | Report
By Emilio Godoy, Inter Press Service | Report
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
By Katrina Rabeler, Yes! Magazine | Report
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Ohio Fracking CEO Pleads Not Guilty in Federal Toxic Waste-Dumping Case
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Former Oil Executive, Doctors and Scientists Urge Obama to Wait on Fracking Exports Plan
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Why Are Cows Tails Dropping Off?
By Elizabeth Royte, The Nation | Report

Anti-Fracking Activists' Secret War, With the World in the Balance
By Ellen Cantarow, TomDispatch, News Analysis

By Steve Horn, Counterpunch | News Analysis

Fracking in Suburbia
By Andrew Spear and Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Video Report

Fracking Boomtown
By Mike Ludwig and Andrew Spear, Truthout | Video Report

The Environmental Health Costs of a Petrochemical Future
By Sue Sturgis, Facing South | News Analysis

New Yorkers Rally to Urge Governor Cuomo to Reject Fracking
By Sara Jerving, PRWatch | Report

Biologist and Writer Sandra Steingraber Invites Fellow Activists to Pledge Nonviolent Resistance to Fracking in New York State
By Sandra Steingraber, Don't Frack New York | Speech

The Gas Menagerie
By Paul Hond, Columbia Magazine | News Analysis

Schlumberger Shutdown Joins Summer of Solidarity
By Nell Gagnon , Shaleshock Direct Action Working Group | Report

The Summer of Solidarity: Direct Action Against Extraction
By Candice Bernd, Campus Progress | Report

Minnesota Amish vs. Fracking
By Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog | Report

The Frack War Comes Home
By Peter Rugh, Waging Nonviolence | News Analysis

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | Report
By Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire | Interview and Video
By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | News Analysis

Hundreds Protest Fracking in Ohio as Drilling Expands
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Fracking Fatalities: Organized Labor Implores Federal Agencies to Stop the Killings
By Mike Elk, In These Times | Report

By Christine Shearer, Truthout | Report


How Rural America Got Fracked: The Environmental Nightmare You Know Nothing About
By Ellen Cantarow, TomDispatch | News Analysis

 Fracking Fluids Could Contaminate Freshwater Aquifers, Says Study
By Christine Shearer, Truthout | Report

Fracking to Poison Your Beer? RT News Interviews Truthout's Mike Ludwig
By Alyona Minkovski, RT News | Interview and Video

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
By Lena Groeger, ProPublica | News Analysis

By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | News Analysis

Silencing Communities: How the Fracking Industry Keeps Its Secrets

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Truthout Reporter Mike Ludwig on RT: Are EPA Fracking Regulations Hurting Jobs?
By Mike Ludwig, RT | Interview

The Climate Movement Takes On Fracking: Interview With Bill McKibben
By Christine Shearer, Truthout | Interview

About That Dimock Fracking Study: Result Summaries Show Methane and Hazardous Chemicals
By Christine Shearer, Truthout | Interview

Fracking Fight: Activists Cry Foul on the EPA's Dimock Water Test Announcement
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Poll: Sixty-Five Percent of Americans Want More Fracking Regulations
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Regulators Say Fracking Wastewater Well Caused 12 Earthquakes in Ohio
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

"Public Media" Joins "Gang Greens" in Colluding With Frackers
By Maura Stephens, Truthout | News Analysis

Fracking and Psychological Operations: Empire Comes Home
By Steve Horn, Truthout | News Analysis

Josh Fox Responds to His Arrest on Capitol Hill: "The Truth That Fracking Contaminates Groundwater Is Out"
By Josh Fox, Truthout | Op-Ed

At Hearing on "Fracking," Capitol Police Arrest Director of "Gasland"
By Sari Gelzer, Truthout | Report

The Battle for America's Backyard: An Interview With "Gasland" Director Josh Fox
By Amanda Lin Costa, Truthout | Interview

Fracking Company: EPA Decision to Test Contaminated Wells in Dimock "Undercuts" Obama's Commitment to Natural Gas
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Letter to Friends and Neighbors
By Patrick R McElligott, Truthout | Letter

Letter to New York State Senator Thomas Libous
By Patrick R McElligott, Truthout | Letter

In the Clearing Stands a Boxer: One Man's Fight Against Fracking
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Truthout Reporter Mike Ludwig on the Fracking Connection Between Kasich and the Koch Brothers (2)
, RT America | Video

Kasich, Koch and Big-Industry Bucks: Why Ohio Is the Next Fracking Frontier
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Residents Alarmed by Proposal to Treat Fracking Waste in Niagara Falls
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

The Heinz Award and What I Plan to Do With It
By Sandra Steingraber, Truthout | Op-Ed

Fracking Operations Cause Thousands of Earthquakes in Arkansas
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

New Jersey Lawmakers Vote to Ban Fracking
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

America's Energy Ethos: Do, Regardless of Harm
By David Sirota, Truthout | Op-Ed

Fracking Blowout Causes Massive Spill in Pennsylvania
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Gassy Geezer Pushes Fossil Fuel
By Maura Stephens, Truthout | Op-Ed

Investigation Confirms Pennsylvania Fracking Well Blowout Was Easily Preventable, Potentially Catastrophic
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

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Gas Rush: Fracking in Depth

Wednesday, 25 April 2012 15:52 By Staff and Contributors, Truthout | Gas Rush

Gas Rush: Fracking in Depth

"Gas Rush" is the place to find original insight and analysis on one of the most heated environmental debates in America. As fracking spreads across the country, Truthout chronicles earthquakes, blowouts, political battles and a swelling grassroots opposition. Gas drilling is quickly changing the landscape in Washington and our own backyards, and it's time to hold the government and industry accountable.

Time Is Running Out for Activists to Halt Fracked Gas Pipeline Into New York City, Connecticut, Rhode Island
By Ellen Cantarow, Truthout | News Analysis

New York State of Fracking
By Naveena Sadasivam, ProPublica | Report

California Halts Injection of Fracking Waste, Warning It May Be Contaminating Aquifers
By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | Report

Right-Wingers Advised to Invest in Water as Fracking in Drought Areas Prompts Activism
By Jessica Mason, PRWatch | Report

Triumph for Citizens in Florida as Hughes Oil Company Drops Fracking Project
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

A Fracking Boondoggle
By Tracy Fernandez Rysavy, OtherWords | Op-Ed

A Field Day for Fracking
By Wenonah Hauter, OtherWords | Op-Ed

California's Fracking Boom Just Got Busted
By Mike Ludwig, Truthut | Report

Louisiana Residents Gear Up for Fracking Fight Just Outside New Orleans
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Barnett Shale Fracking Victims Win First Round in Court Battle With Gas Industry
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Environmentalists Call for Ban on Fracking in Ohio After Earthquakes
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Whistleblower Evan Voke's Evidence Against TransCanada Whitewashed By Regulators
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Denton, Texas Citizens Group Fights for Fracking Ban
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Earthquakes Rattle Texas Towns in the Barnett Shale
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Triple Divide: Interview With Mark Ruffalo on Fracking Documentary
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Interview and Video

Big Oil, Bad Air: Fracking the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas
By Jim Morris, Lisa Song and David Hasemyer, The Center for Public Integrity | News Analysis

"Frackgate": Ohio Regulators Planned to Subvert Eco-Groups, Promote Fracking in State Parks
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Could Florida Become the New Fracking Frontier?
By Roger Drouin, Truthout | News Analysis

Shale Stories: Obama's Clean Energy Future Is a Fracking Nightmare for Rural America
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Nordheim: a Texas Town Facing a Toxic Future
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

You Won't Believe Who's Teaching Children to LOVE Fracking!                                        
By Lee Camp, SpeakOut | Video

EPA: California Offshore Frackers Must Disclose Chemicals Dumped Into Ocean
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Steve Lipsky Responds to Report Clearing EPA of Wrongdoing in Fracking Water Contamination Study
By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Interview

Stop Governor Brown's Plan to Frack California - Hearings Start Today                                By Dan Bacher, The Fish Sniffer | Op-Ed

Canada's Lubicon Lake Nation Continue Anti-Fracking Campaign, Appeal Court Injunction  By Shaghayegh Tajvidi, The Real News Network | Video Report

Eagle Ford Shale: Breathe at Your Own Risk                                                                           By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report 

Fracking: The Bay Delta Conservation Plan Would Provide Water for Mining
By Paul Rockwell, San Jose Mercury News | Op-Ed

Marc McCord on How Dallas Was Saved From Frac'ing
By Julie Dermansky, Truthout | News

Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals Found in Water at Fracking Sites
Neela Banerjee, Los Angeles Times | Report

Urban Fracking Bonanza Threatens Dallas Suburbs
Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Welcome to Gasland: Denton, Texas Residents Face Fracking Impacts From EagleRidge Energy
Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report

Oscar Leon, The Real News Network | Video Report
Steve Horn, DeSmog Blog | Report
Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
 By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Fracking in Paradise
By Ramon Galindo, RT America | Video Report

Dirty Energy's Dirty Tactics: Boulder on the Front Lines of the Renewable Energy Future
By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, Truthout | News Analysis

Frackonomics: The Science and Economics of the Gas Boom
By Rob Larson, Dollars and Sense | News Analysis

Special Investigation: Fracking in the Ocean Off the California Coast
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is Gas Land
By Peter Rugh, Waging Nonviolence | Report

Revealed: Gen. David Petraeus' Course Syllabus Features "Frackademia" Readings
By Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog | Report

Marcellus Shale Advocacy Group Receives $150,000 for "Independent Study", While Health Impact Study Rots in Committee
By Sean Kitchen, Raging Chicken Press | Report

Former Mobil VP Warns of Fracking and Climate Change
By Ellen Cantarow, Truthout | Interview

Will Ohio Be Fracking's Radioactive Dumping Ground?
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
The Mines That Fracking Built, Part Two
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
The Mines That Fracking Built 
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Fracking the Suburbs: An Explosive Combination?
By Peter Pearsall, Yes! Magazine | Report

By Ellen Cantarow, Truthout | Report
By Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog | Report
By Emilio Godoy, Inter Press Service | Report
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
By Katrina Rabeler, Yes! Magazine | Report
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Ohio Fracking CEO Pleads Not Guilty in Federal Toxic Waste-Dumping Case
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Former Oil Executive, Doctors and Scientists Urge Obama to Wait on Fracking Exports Plan
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Why Are Cows Tails Dropping Off?
By Elizabeth Royte, The Nation | Report

Anti-Fracking Activists' Secret War, With the World in the Balance
By Ellen Cantarow, TomDispatch, News Analysis

By Steve Horn, Counterpunch | News Analysis

Fracking in Suburbia
By Andrew Spear and Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Video Report

Fracking Boomtown
By Mike Ludwig and Andrew Spear, Truthout | Video Report

The Environmental Health Costs of a Petrochemical Future
By Sue Sturgis, Facing South | News Analysis

New Yorkers Rally to Urge Governor Cuomo to Reject Fracking
By Sara Jerving, PRWatch | Report

Biologist and Writer Sandra Steingraber Invites Fellow Activists to Pledge Nonviolent Resistance to Fracking in New York State
By Sandra Steingraber, Don't Frack New York | Speech

The Gas Menagerie
By Paul Hond, Columbia Magazine | News Analysis

Schlumberger Shutdown Joins Summer of Solidarity
By Nell Gagnon , Shaleshock Direct Action Working Group | Report

The Summer of Solidarity: Direct Action Against Extraction
By Candice Bernd, Campus Progress | Report

Minnesota Amish vs. Fracking
By Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog | Report

The Frack War Comes Home
By Peter Rugh, Waging Nonviolence | News Analysis

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | Report
By Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire | Interview and Video
By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | News Analysis

Hundreds Protest Fracking in Ohio as Drilling Expands
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Fracking Fatalities: Organized Labor Implores Federal Agencies to Stop the Killings
By Mike Elk, In These Times | Report

By Christine Shearer, Truthout | Report


How Rural America Got Fracked: The Environmental Nightmare You Know Nothing About
By Ellen Cantarow, TomDispatch | News Analysis

 Fracking Fluids Could Contaminate Freshwater Aquifers, Says Study
By Christine Shearer, Truthout | Report

Fracking to Poison Your Beer? RT News Interviews Truthout's Mike Ludwig
By Alyona Minkovski, RT News | Interview and Video

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report
By Lena Groeger, ProPublica | News Analysis

By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | News Analysis

Silencing Communities: How the Fracking Industry Keeps Its Secrets

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Truthout Reporter Mike Ludwig on RT: Are EPA Fracking Regulations Hurting Jobs?
By Mike Ludwig, RT | Interview

The Climate Movement Takes On Fracking: Interview With Bill McKibben
By Christine Shearer, Truthout | Interview

About That Dimock Fracking Study: Result Summaries Show Methane and Hazardous Chemicals
By Christine Shearer, Truthout | Interview

Fracking Fight: Activists Cry Foul on the EPA's Dimock Water Test Announcement
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Poll: Sixty-Five Percent of Americans Want More Fracking Regulations
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Regulators Say Fracking Wastewater Well Caused 12 Earthquakes in Ohio
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

"Public Media" Joins "Gang Greens" in Colluding With Frackers
By Maura Stephens, Truthout | News Analysis

Fracking and Psychological Operations: Empire Comes Home
By Steve Horn, Truthout | News Analysis

Josh Fox Responds to His Arrest on Capitol Hill: "The Truth That Fracking Contaminates Groundwater Is Out"
By Josh Fox, Truthout | Op-Ed

At Hearing on "Fracking," Capitol Police Arrest Director of "Gasland"
By Sari Gelzer, Truthout | Report

The Battle for America's Backyard: An Interview With "Gasland" Director Josh Fox
By Amanda Lin Costa, Truthout | Interview

Fracking Company: EPA Decision to Test Contaminated Wells in Dimock "Undercuts" Obama's Commitment to Natural Gas
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Letter to Friends and Neighbors
By Patrick R McElligott, Truthout | Letter

Letter to New York State Senator Thomas Libous
By Patrick R McElligott, Truthout | Letter

In the Clearing Stands a Boxer: One Man's Fight Against Fracking
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Truthout Reporter Mike Ludwig on the Fracking Connection Between Kasich and the Koch Brothers (2)
, RT America | Video

Kasich, Koch and Big-Industry Bucks: Why Ohio Is the Next Fracking Frontier
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Residents Alarmed by Proposal to Treat Fracking Waste in Niagara Falls
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

The Heinz Award and What I Plan to Do With It
By Sandra Steingraber, Truthout | Op-Ed

Fracking Operations Cause Thousands of Earthquakes in Arkansas
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

New Jersey Lawmakers Vote to Ban Fracking
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

America's Energy Ethos: Do, Regardless of Harm
By David Sirota, Truthout | Op-Ed

Fracking Blowout Causes Massive Spill in Pennsylvania
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Gassy Geezer Pushes Fossil Fuel
By Maura Stephens, Truthout | Op-Ed

Investigation Confirms Pennsylvania Fracking Well Blowout Was Easily Preventable, Potentially Catastrophic
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

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