C. Violette | LGBTQ Insider

C. Violette is a student, aspiring artist and a D-FW native. She moved to Dallas in 2009 and soon after, became an active member in the Dallas LGBTQ* community. She uses a myriad of terms to describe her orientation including “queer,” “fluid,” “bi” and “nonmonosexual/plurisexual.”

She has contributed essays to the quarterly Bi Women’s Newsletter, co-facilitated a day-long Bi/Pan/Fluid Institute at Creating Change, attended the 2009 National Equality March and is a board member of BiNet USA. In early 2013, she founded both the Nonmonosexual People of Color Facebook group and page, for persons standing at the intersections of a plural sexual/romantic identity and being of color. The former is a safe space for those whom identify while the latter is a page open to allies.

Her interests and hobbies include, but are not limited to, the arts, science, old school video games, international food and music, socioeconomic justice, language, knitting and yoga.


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