



St. Louis Rams Player Defends Bumbling "Chevy Guy" Rikk Wilde's World Series Meltdown

Categories: Sports

"Chevy Guy" Rikk Wilde (L) tries to explain why it's good to have "technology and stuff" in your truck.
If you hurled your television out the window last night in angry disappointment when the San Francisco Giants won the 2014 World Series and dashed the hopes of a nation of Kansas City Royals fans/bandwagon joiners, you missed something delightfully awkward.

Rikk Wilde, an executive at Chevrolet, had the seemingly simple task of awarding Giants pitcher Madison Bumgarner with the World Series MVP award and a 2015 Chevrolet Colorado.

But in a performance that have many clamoring to name him the MVP of awkwardness, Wilde faltered and sweated over his lines, taking long pauses and checking his notes.

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Without Darren Wilson's Testimony, St. Louis County Prosecutor Drops 5 Felony Cases

Categories: Ferguson

UPI/Bill Greenblatt
St. Louis County prosecuting attorney Bob McCulloch.
St. Louis County prosecuting attorney Bob McCulloch dismissed five pending felony court cases Wednesday because they depend on testimony from Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

Wilson is a key witness in the five cases, which cannot continue without his testimony.

Wilson, who fatally shot unarmed teen Michael Brown on August 9 and set off weeks of protests and backlash against police, has been in hiding since the shooting. Wilson, who is on paid administrative leave, emerged briefly to testify in Clayton to the grand jury investigating Brown's death, but he was not seen in public.

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12 Last Minute St. Louis-Themed Halloween Costume Ideas

Categories: Holidays

Illustrations by Curtis Tinsley
Need a Halloween costume idea? What about one of St. Louis' 250 birthday cakes?
Happy (almost) Halloween!

If you're anything like us, you still haven't bought a costume for the spooky, boozy weekend ahead. And whether you're passing treats out to trick-or-treaters or painting the town red with friends, you'll need a costume -- even if it's something you throw together last-minute.

See also: 6 Cardinals-Themed Halloween Costume Ideas

But coming up with costume ideas is hard. That's why we've done it for you.

Inspired by current events and our own sick sense of humor, here are the Riverfront Timesbest last-minute St. Louis-themed costume ideas:

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How to Apply For a Job at IKEA in St. Louis

Categories: Bidness

Lindsay Toler
Missouri officials break ground on the new IKEA store in St. Louis.
How's your Swedish? Are you any good with an Allen wrench? Do you love meatballs? We have a job opportunity for you.

As IKEA builds its highly anticipated, 380,000-square-foot store in midtown St. Louis, the furniture retailer announced that it's beginning to recruit staff for about 300 jobs.

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Ferguson Police Chief Says CNN Report Is Wrong, Denies Plans to Resign

Categories: Ferguson

Chad Garrison
Chief Tom Jackson releases the name of the officer who fatally shot Michael Brown to the media.
CNN caused quite a stir late Tuesday by breaking the news that Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson will step down soon as part of a multifaceted plan to overhaul the department.

But so far, there's no sign that CNN's big scoop is true.

Jackson, St. Louis County's police chief Jon Belmar, Ferguson mayor John Knowles and other police, city and county officials repeatedly and resoundingly told media Jackson has no immediate plans to step down, nor is he being fired.

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St. Louis Company Memo Condemns Excessive Pooping in Fourth Floor Bathroom

Categories: Bidness

Regnatarajan via Flickr
Elasticity says too many poops are happening in the fourth-floor bathroom.
Every office has a "shitting shitter," the designated toilet for during-work bowel movements.

Typically, it's tucked away somewhere, isolated enough to prevent unsavory smells from wafting into the workflow. (The Riverfront Times' is in a nook by the fire escape, in case you were wondering.)

But that's no longer the case at St. Louis marketing agency Elasticity as of Sunday, when the company issued an amusingly overwritten memo to staff and visitors about "unfettered and egregious abuse of the fourth floor lavatory."

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The Strange Tale of St. Louis' Most Prolific Dead Poet

Categories: Longform

Jeff Drew
Pearl Curran said she regularly communicated with the dead via Ouija board.

In a St. Louis parlor room in the summer of 1913, two housewives bent over a Ouija board. Thirty-year-old Pearl Curran had recently lost her father. Her friend, Emily Grant Hutchings, urged her to try to contact him through the game. The women placed their hands on the board's heart-shaped planchette and asked if anyone was there. In the silent, humid room, the planchette's circular eye began to move across the board's letters — but it wasn't Curran's father.

"Many moons ago I lived," the board spelled out. "Again I come. Patience Worth my name."

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Greene County Sheriff Candidate Beats Felony Charge Filed by Current Sheriff

Categories: News

Courtesy of Luke Lamb
Luke Lamb (left), a "constitutional sheriff's candidate," beat a jury-tampering charge last week and is back on the campaign trail.
Luke Lamb has reason to be wary of juries. A candidate for sheriff in Greene County, Illinois (about 60 miles north of St. Louis), he was charged in March with unlawful communication with a juror -- a felony -- after posting a few giddy Facebook comments to a friend who had been selected for jury duty.

Last week, however, it was a jury that saved Lamb's political career. After a two-day trial, twelve jurors unanimously voted not guilty on October 23. That means Lamb can restart his political campaign against the cop who cited him with jury tampering -- current Greene County sheriff, Robert McMillen.

"It felt amazing to be free," says Lamb, who was forced to put his campaign on hold for months while his lawyer fought the felony charge. Now, it's all election, all the time. He's leaving fliers on doors, shaking hands, erecting lawn signs shaped like paper Liberty Bells and delivering speeches from the back of a pickup trucks. He's got a lot of ground to cover before the November 4 election.

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Columnist Calls Michael Brown an Animal for Darren Wilson to "Put Down," Then Deletes It

Bryan Sutter
Michael Brown's parents, Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr., march wearing images of their dead son.
A columnist from a newspaper in Charleston, West Virginia, deleted a personal blog post -- which referred to Michael Brown's death as "put[ting] this animal down" -- after it started drawing attention online.

Don Surber, who writes editorials for the Charleston Daily Mail, originally wrote that Brown was a "gigantic thug who was higher than a kite" and that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson "had to put this animal down" in a post called "Why I Stop Listening When You Say Police Brutality." Surber uses Brown's death to share his opinion that police should be heavily equipped to fight against "the hundred thousand or so thugs" who threaten "decent people."

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Rembrandt's Gift: Dramatic License's Unexcellent Adventure in Time Travel

Categories: Arts

John Lamb
Greg Johnston, John Contini and Kim Furlow in Rembrandt's Gift.
A strange thing happens in Act One of Rembrandt's Gift, Tina Howe's half-baked comedy about the time-traveling Dutch master and the healing powers of art.

As the Dramatic License Productions show opens, we're treated to the beginning of what looks like a powerful drama about two has-been artists whose careers and marriage have foundered on the shores of mental illness. It's the middle of the night, and Polly, a once-promising photographer, can't sleep because her husband, a rusty actor named Walter, has finally mastered his engorged prostate and now snores lustily beside her.

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