
Greenpeace is the largest independent direct-action environmental organization in the world

We defend the natural world and promote peace by investigating, exposing, and confronting environmental abuse, championing environmentally responsible solutions, and advocating for the rights and well-being of all people.

We take action only where we and our supporters have the most capacity to make an impact, where people’s lives are most heavily affected, and where environmental risks are most dire.

The problems we are trying to tackle are so big, that it takes a huge effort, comprised of people all over the world. That is where our supporters come in. Greenpeace is an inclusive, people-powered, collective movement. Our focus is on big political and corporate changes, just as much as it is on empowering people in our network to act in their homes and communities.

Empowerment goes both ways. The weight and resources that Greenpeace is able to devote to pushing for a greener and more peaceful world is only made possible because of the courage, heart, and collective power of our supporters.

Our campaigns

Stopping Global Warming

We have the knowledge, skills, and technology to stop global warming. The shift requires a complete transformation of the way we produce, consume, and distribute energy. Fortunately, meeting the challenge will boost the economy, increase employment, and promote energy security, all while improving the long-term health of everybody on the planet. Learn more about global warming, including our views on climate change extreme weather events.

Defending Our Oceans

The rich, beautiful diversity of life within our oceans is being driven to the brink by destructive fishing practices, whaling, pollution, and climate change. Answering those challenges will take nothing short of global cooperation. Learn more about the threats to our oceans and how to defend them.

Protecting Our Forests

The Earth's ancient and tropical forests host 2/3 of all terrestrial species and are also vital to all life on earth. However industrial-scale deforestation has left 80% of forests degraded or totally destroyed. Greenpeace is working to end illegal and destructive logging of the world's ancient forests and to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples and species that depend on them. Learn more about deforestation and how to protect our forests.

Save the Arctic

The fragile Arctic is under threat from both global warming and oil drilling. Greenpeace is working to halt climate change and to stop the cynical and apocalyptic oil rush at the top of the world. Learn more about threats to the Arctic and what we are doing to end them.

No New Nukes

As the disaster at Fukushima Daichi reminded the world, there is no such thing as safe or clean nuclear energy. The spread of nuclear technology and ultimately nuclear weapons undermines our national security and the security of the planet. We are working to shut down old nuclear facilities, halt the spread of new ones, and to build a safer future for us all through nuclear disarmament. Learn more about our nuclear campaigns.

Safety from Toxic Chemicals

Toxic, synthetic chemicals placed in our environment and in consumer goods by industry put global public health and the environment at risk. Meanwhile, one in three people in the US lives within the danger zone of a chemical facility that stores poison gasses. That’s why we advocate for safer, cleaner alternatives to toxins in our supply chains and for increased security and safe storage of chemicals and industrial facilities across the US. Learn more about our work to keep all people safe from toxic chemicals.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

Industrial farming, with its dependency on fossil fuels, toxic inputs, genetical modification, and disregard for the common good, must be reimagined. That requires a sea-change in global agricultural policy and food systems. Sustainable agricultural practices, utilizing organic and local resources when possible, and equity for smallholder farmers, are among the primary solutions we are fighting for. Learn more about our work to promote sustainable agriculture worldwide.