Was Iggy Azalea's SNL Performance the Worst in the Show's History?

First things first: Rita Ora's backing vocals? Not the Realest, and she still managed to upstage Iggy Azalea for her big Saturday Night Live debut.

Before we begin, let us stipulate that Azalea's chart and headline domination in 2014 is irrefutable. Between "Fancy," "Black Widow," "Problem," and the collection of awards-show performances and festival engagements under her belt, the radiant rapper has had an excellent year, chock-full of star-spangled collaborations and oft-repeated verses. It's a good time to be Iggy Azalea. Or it was until she made her way to SNL.

See also: Sorry, Haters: Maroon 5 Rocked SNL

Love her or hate her, Iggy's style, vocal and otherwise, is without a foil at the moment. Some love her frankness and personalized pronunciation; others have absolutely no idea what the hell she's talking about and can't get past the fact that she sounds like she's rapping with an insurmountable speech impediment. She adds grit and sass to saccharine pop confections or she throws an offensive wrench into social discourse. She's engaging or she's infuriating; there is no in between. With great attention comes great responsibility, and as one of the first musical acts to grace the SNL stage at the start of its 40th season, the base expectation for Iggy was to not suck. She didn't have to convert haters or bowl over her fans. She just had to show up, drop fire, mug for the camera, and channel a modicum of the enthusiasm the world has shown for any track she touches.

This is not what she did.

Maybe it was the cheap sets, the clunky changes, or off timing and choreography, but "Fancy/Black Widow" was one train-wreck of a performance from start to finish. "Black Widow" went from compelling duet to reject high school talent show routine in a matter of seconds, with the clumsy addition of Ora further enhancing the fact that Iggy appeared to be awkward and clueless merely existing in her own skin. There's no written rule that all pop stars have to be exceptional dancers or athletically inclined, but Iggy and Rita's awkward waltz and try-hard advances were hardly the stuff of femme fatale sex appeal. For two of the biggest hits of the season, the SNL treatment of "Fancy/Black Widow" was a straight-up embarrassment, and one Iggy and the show should look back to as a cautionary tale for future tapings.

As for the debut of new track "Beg for It," Iggy recovered some swagger, but just barely, and her cohort in MØ managed to make her look on-point and with it. The usually delightfully wacky MØ couldn't seem to hear the overwhelming backing track and stumbled along her lines with the grace of a drunk person trying to hold it together in church (UPDATE: This is indeed the case, according to the MØ Instagram below). The beat's fine and the hook's catchy enough, but the '90s-styling and abysmal execution sucked the wind out of "Beg for It" (whatever wind there was left after her disappointing first selection of the evening, that is).

#BegforIt #SNL #TheAftermath #IggyAzalea #MØ

Et billede slået op af MØ (@momomoyouth) i

Credit where credit is due, though: Iggy's cameo in the epic Chandelier Dance-Off was great, and we want to like her. JUST LET US LIKE YOU, IGGY.

It would be great to sing the praises of one of 2014's most celebrated pop stars, but the malignant backing tracks and tone-deaf styling of Iggy's SNL performance missed every conceivable mark. We're not alone in thinking so, either, and the internet was pretty unanimous about it.

My Voice Nation Help
Betty Perez
Betty Perez

I thought she was really good and I'm not an "azalean".


Uhm she does not write her own material. This is not the first performance she sucked at, I think she needs some lessons, hell hire a performance coach.

Alexandra Yakutsk
Alexandra Yakutsk

Btw, Listen to Little Dragon, anything by Tricky (Adrian Thaws), and Brooklyn's own Santigold for real music and talent.

Jeff Curtis
Jeff Curtis

The "musical act" had to bring on actual singers for both segments. Since was no band, the two guest singers were apparently the only musicians in the "musical act".

Darrell Ford
Darrell Ford

She has a huge fat ass...did she sing too ?

Tom Brown
Tom Brown

I was flipping back and forth. I waited a minute to see if something funny was going to happen until I realized it was just the musical act. Didn't catch my attention, wasn't enjoyable to me, but unless you're some obscure hipster band I'm not interested anyway. It's good they called it a performance and not a song, they seemed more like a dance troupe than musicians. I like Lana Del Rey, she may have bombed on SNL but its partly that imperfection I like.


She's little more than a Hollywood product... That's why she's so popular. She is the epitome of 'fake' right now.

Chris Tucker
Chris Tucker

Clearly was Lip Syncin that shit, whack ass wanna be rappers with auto tune all these people are is pretty faces auto tuned, real musicians get shit on.

Wade Johnson
Wade Johnson

all these types of acts with there team of dancers are the worst type of musical entertainment there is on the planet, unwatchable after 2 seconds.

Tommy Ware
Tommy Ware

Um, yeah Myles Matisse, I've seen them. They VERY SELDOM have musicians on stage. It happens once in a blue moon. Jay-Z has had a band a few times and that's cool. Shakira, yeah once in a while. Pink is sort of legit. You're just wrong. But it really doesn't matter. I truthfully care so little that it was a waste of my time to even commenting. Any "artist" that has dance steps to do is a joke.

Ant Adams
Ant Adams

I find her vile, and i am an Aussie, quite happy for her to stay over there.


Fake ass, bitch. Where's Snoop when you need him? 

Ken Marlo
Ken Marlo

EDIT: "Was Iggy Azalea's performance of anything the worst in history?"

Sara Frazier
Sara Frazier

I'm not a fan of her music BUT I didn't think it was THAT atrocious and horrible. The sound and acoustics of the stage is god awful, though. Hearing echos of claps? Unacceptable for a professional stage, imo. And the second song not meshing with the back track...that was pretty horrible, though. Just a hot mess all around....but the middle school production didn't help.

William Boyd
William Boyd

SNL needs to pull its head out when it comes to booking the musical acts.

Kitty Clements
Kitty Clements

The only music we hear today is literally being shoved down our throats. It seems today's hit "artists" are the ones with the best PR. With some backing from technology, anyone can be a star. The music industry is all smoke & mirrors, shying away from true talent and pushing these robots like drug dealers.

Fran Peyer
Fran Peyer

Only the 20 and under love it here.

Myles Matisse
Myles Matisse

They're targeting audiences WAY TOO YOUNG. I DJ/VJ at clubs weekly in Los Angeles. Both Ariana and a Iggy are huge...especially in the gay clubs.

Myles Matisse
Myles Matisse

Let's see what all the haters say this coming Saturday when Prince takes the stage for an 8 minute set.

Myles Matisse
Myles Matisse

Trust me. Iggy is here to stay. It's the new world order, musically. Get used to it.

Myles Matisse
Myles Matisse

Really, Fran? Iggy is HUGE right now. I DJ/VJ music and videos weekly at clubs in Los Angeles. The 40 and under crowd love it. Don't know where you've been.

Myles Matisse
Myles Matisse

Don't think PRINCE will be crappy this Saturday in SNL.

Myles Matisse
Myles Matisse

Maybe you're old. I'm 49, have been a club DJ/VJ since 1988 and play the music and videos of Iggy. All the under 40 crowd digs it. I do too. Don't know what radio you've been listening to. Obviously not contemporary stuff. Oh well.

Myles Matisse
Myles Matisse

Tommy, have you even watched a frigging concert by Madonna, Beyonce, Pink, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj, Shakira? They ALL have FULL BANDS THAT ACTUALLY PLAY THEIR F'ING INSTRUMENTS. Don't know where you've been living. Under a rock I assume. Whatever.

Melody Myers
Melody Myers

Definitely disapointing but certainly not the worse. Kesha or Ashly Simpson come to mind. I'm sure there are many more but I usually skip the musical performance sice it's usually bad.

Tony Candela
Tony Candela

I think they all sucked personally .... What is that shit ?

Jessica Plummer
Jessica Plummer

With 90s throwback and feminism at a high we got a female vanilla ice

Greg Converse
Greg Converse

Gurl...your backup singers and dancers upstaged you. Get some life!


@shegotgame I didn’t watch it either, but the show is famous for revealing complete phonies … so I’d buy it.


You're actually comparing a musical genius like Prince to Iggy Azalea? Really? Your opinion means dick. Go back to spinning shit pop records for LA retards.


The New World Order is pushing a dead music culture. I dont have to get used to anything either. Iggy will be done within two years. 


Ok, so you and the people that go to your club have lousy taste. At least we've established that. 


And every one of them sucks, and creates disposable, bubble gum music. 

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