TFR Endorses Donna Campbell

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has endorsed Dr. Donna Campbell in her 2012 campaign for the Texas Senate, District 25.

“Donna Campbell is a strong conservative who will bring practical, commonsense principles to the Texas Senate,” said the president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Michael Quinn Sullivan. “Voters can count on Donna Campbell to oppose new taxes, reduce Texans’ tax burden, and demand greater accountability for how our money is spent in Austin.”

Campbell is seeking the Republican nomination in SD25. She is facing incumbent Sen. Jeff Wentworth in the July 31 run-off. Wentworth has a lifetime rating of “F” on the Fiscal Responsibility Index. TFR did not endorse in the first round.

In the SD25 run-off, only Campbell has signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge; Sen. Wentworth has refused to do so.

“Taxpayers, tired of the status quo, are demanding that the legislature deal prudently with the state’s budget issues,” said Sullivan. “Texans know state government needs a good dose of conservative values and free-market principles to enhance liberty while strengthening our economy. As an emergency room physician, Dr. Donna Campbell will be working for a stronger, healthier Texas.”

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility ( is one of the state’s leading organizations working to promote sound tax policy, government transparency, and greater efficiency in spending.