Another Day, Another Failed Fractivist Protest

Fractivist Protest - Cherie MessoreCherie Messore
Public Relations Consultant


It was another day, another failed fractivist protest in Buffalo as a Facebook promoted event went flatter than the Howie Hawkins’ victory party balloons.

Nothing gets your well-worn 100% organic cotton knickers in a bunch more than feeling like you’re being lied to or challenged.

When the Park Foundation funded Food and Water Watch group in Buffalo got wind of IOGA of NY’s annual fall meeting, the group rallied its brethren and put out a social media plea for a protest. The target was the topic of the Wednesday dinner speaker, Jack Hubbard, a vice president at Berman and Co., a public relations firm behind the campaign in Colorado and Pennsylvania.

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London Local Energy Goes Underground in Shale War

London Local Energy - Nick Grealy ReportsNick Grealy
Administrator of NaturalGas2.0NoHotAir and ShaleGasInfo Blogs


Our buddy Nick Grealy goes all-in (although underground) to play offense in the shale energy game with London Local Energy – an inspiring story! 

So much has been written about “controversial” “unconventional” natural gas that most people will be surprised about almost anything London Local Energy says. Starting of course with London. But it’s all about the rocks beneath London as much as the great world city we call home that sits above them.

Let me tell you some more about it.

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Columbia Compressor Station Foes Take Fork in the Road

Columbia Compressor Station - Jim Willis reportsJim Willis
Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)


Columbia compressor station foes came to a fork in the road and took it as they made absolutely no sense opposing the Forks Township, Northampton County, upgrade.

Columbia Pipeline Group, a subsidiary of NiSource, has been planning for some time to upgrade a compressor station in Forks Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. The upgrade is part of Columbia’s East Side Expansion Project, one that includes 16 miles of new pipelines to carry cheap Marcellus Shale gas to a natural gas-powered electric generating plant (and other customers) across the border in New Jersey. Some opposition to the project has developed and reading about it makes one wonder if the opponents haven’t, in Yogi Berra’s words, come to a fork in the road and tried to take it. There’s certainly no logic to their position.

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Railroad Geography and Shale Energy Development

Frac SandEdward Camp, II
ShaleNavigator Team Lead at Geospatial Corp

Shale energy development depends upon infrastructure; not only pipelines, but also railroads that are shaping development patterns across the Marcellus and Utica plays.

Proximity to pipeline has long been an indicator of the likelihood when and where shale energy development might occur. Similar to pipelines, another considering factor I’d like to bring more attention to are railroads. Why are railroads so important? The answer lies in their unique ability to transport specialized silica sand from mines hundreds of miles from the Marcellus fairway.

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The Denton Ban on Fracking; The New York Connection

Denton Ban - Kathy Colley ReportsKathy Colley
Chenango County Landowner

The Denton ban on natural gas development is a case of special interests focused on halting it here in New York manipulating others to their benefit.

I have to say, I was beyond shocked when I heard there was a proposed “ban” on natural gas development in Denton, Texas. Texas is booming, bigger and better than ever because of natural gas. What could have happened to make anyone there want to pause the process that spurred their economy?

News of the Denton ban didn’t settle well with me so I immediately got on the phone and asked the right questions to the right people. The Denton ban was proposed by Frack Free Denton and was originally set aside because there was no reason to even consider it. After talking with Governor Perry’s office and Lindsey Baker of the City of Denton, it was more than clear there were no health reasons or incidents of contamination. There had to be more to the story.

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Natural Gas Airplanes Take Off

Natural Gas AirplanesKelsie Augustin
External Affairs Intern, Cabot Oil & Gas

Natural gas airplanes are not something we hear about everyday but they’ve been around a while and now they’re taking off.

In the past, we have written about the increasing popularity and benefits of using compressed natural gas (CNG) in cars and motor vehicles. The low cost of CNG when compared to other types of fuel, in addition to the readily-available supply, make it a quickly growing energy source. The possibilities of using CNG now extend to another form of transportation: natural gas airplanes.

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Vineyard and Winery Owner Supports Crestwood LPG Facility

Crestwood LPGMark Karasz
Retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, PhD. Chemistry,
Owner – Rock Stream Vineyards


Truth sometimes takes a while to get its boots on but then outruns the opposition by a mile as this post on the Crestwood LPG facility demonstrates.

The grapes grown in my vineyards are as closely related to the apples growing at any of the beautiful orchards nearby as propane gas storage is related to hydraulic fracturing. You can oppose fracking and support propane storage without it weighing on your conscience. We all love the Finger Lakes, and can agree that we would never want to do anything to harm the region.

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Vera Scroggins: Ethics, Referrals and a Settlement

Vera Scroggins - Tom Shepstone reportsTom Shepstone
Natural Gas NOW


BREAKING NEWS: Vera Scroggins permanently restricted from trespassing on Cabot property and operations; lawyers told to consider reporting somethin’ bad.

We reported in some depth on the Vera Scroggins hearings of last week when the infamous serial trespasser who masquerades as Golden Girl Do-Gooder, was found to have violated the court’s preliminary injunction against further trespass onto Cabot Oil & Gas sites. We noted the really big news from those hearings was the fact her attorneys wanted out and that she had apparently included somethin’ bad in the materials she offered up in answer to interrogatories; somethin’ bad enough that she wanted it hidden forever.

Now come two more decisions guaranteed to send Scroggins into spin mode. One can imagine she’s speed dialing reporters as I write this, trying to turn these decisions into some sort of conspiracy by the industry to shut her up, all the while generating more publicity for herself, which is the penultimate objective of this attention seeker. It doesn’t matter, though. The court has bought none of her schtick. She’s finally being held to account for her menacing actions; actions that disrupted the peace of an otherwise happy community for the sake of her desires to be in the limelight.

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Josh Fox Fundraiser Turns into a Cold Prickly

Josh Fox Fundraiser - Betty Sutliff Reports on the LiesBetty Sutliff
Wayne County Landowner
Member of Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance


A Josh Fox fundraiser aims to raise money to finance an extension to his fifteen minutes of fame and its not going so well – with good reason.

As if Josh Fox hasn’t made enough money from HBO and other benefactors, he has started a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo to support his upcoming Solutions Grassroots Tour. His target goal is $75,000. The campaign allows donors to choose from various perks, some of which, I find, are ridiculously expensive and inane. The contributors of $5, 10, 25, 35, or 50 will reap the reward of a shout out from Josh on Twitter or his website.

As the church lady on SNL would say, “Well, isn’t that special!” For a donation of $30, funders will receive a “warm fuzzy feeling” and a postcard. For an additional $70, or a $100 donation, they will receive “the warmest of fuzzy feelings” and a postcard. Now, how do donors tell the difference between warm and warmest of fuzzy feelings to know if they got their money’s worth? Perhaps the weight of their wallets would be the only determining factor.

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The Elitist Environmental Oligarchy

Elitist Environmental Oligarchy  - Tom Shepstone reportsTom Shepstone
Natural Gas NOW


There is an elitist environmental oligarchy that postures as taking the moral high ground but willingly ignores the needs of the poor and middle class.

There was an interesting column this past week on Matt Ridley’s blog entitled “Greens Take the Moral Low Ground – Why Environmentalists Defend the Wealthy Against the Poor” and it brought a lot of things together as we reflect on the elections and the fracking wars, such as they are. Ridley is the former science editor at the Economist and a member of the House of Lords in the UK. His post is oriented toward the European perspective but, in his analysis, he gets to the root of what characterizes the fractivist funders we deal with here in the US and elsewhere; they constitute an elitist environmental oligarchy that operates with staggering hypocrisy against the interests of the poor and the middle class.

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