On March 15th…

After months of showing up to all of Governor Brown’s public events, lobbying legislators, delivering over 100,000 public comments, and even dropping a banner during the State of the State, it’s time to show up in force. 

On March 15th, thousands of Californians are coming together in Sacramento to demand an end to fracking in our state. It’s time to stand up and tell our leaders: Don’t Frack California!

Get the Details

Today’s the day!

TODAY’S THE DAY for the biggest Anti-Fracking rally in California’s history! THOUSANDS of Anti-Fracking Activists & Concerned Californians are making the trek to Sacramento to tell Governor Brown one thing: #DontFrackCA! We’ll be hearing from voices from all over the state who are witnessing #fracking in their own communities and organizing against it.  More...

Join Thursday’s Live Web Panel on California Fracking!

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On Thursday, February 27th, we’re holding a special event at 6pm PST with 350.org co-founder Bill McKibben, CREDO Political Director Becky Bond, and Central Valley activists Rodrigo Romo, Anabel Marquez, and Javier Cruz. They’ll be joining us for a live web panel to discuss fracking in California and the March 15th rally. More...

On March 15th Thousands Are Descending on Sacramento

After months of showing up to all of Governor Brown’s public events, lobbying legislators, delivering over 100,000 public comments, supporting the newest moratorium bill in the legislature, and even dropping a banner during the State of the State, it’s time to show up in force.After months of showing up to all of Governor Brown’s public events, lobbying legislators, delivering over 100,000 public comments, and even dropping a banner during his state of the state in January, it’s time to show up in force.  More...