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Take a stand for open government

At Sunlight, we believe you shouldn’t have to go to an office in Washington, D.C. or your state capitol to access information about your government or how your elected officials are representing you. Information about your government -- and those who are trying to influence it with lobbying, campaign contributions and more -- should be at your fingertips, online, disclosed in real time.

Events & Sponsorship

Would you like to create a more open and transparent government? We're organizing and sharing information of upcoming events, trainings and open government groups around the country. We need your help finding more!

If you know of an open government event or training, please share that information with us. If you want to start your own event, you can check out our Community Events page to find like-minded transparency advocates and make some offline connections. Whether it's a hackathon or happy hour, you can help build the movement for transparency right in your own town.

Download our Sunlight Events Sponsorship Toolkit for details on event sponsorship and data resources to use at your event. Email us directly if you need help with planning or promoting.

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OpenGov Champions

See what people are doing around the country to promote government transparency.

View the Champions

Some things you can do right now...

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    Sign up to stay informed about what we’re doing to create a more open, transparent and accountable government and opportunities for you to help.

    We respect your privacy.

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    Make a tax-deductible donation to give us the resources to do our work


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    Are you doing unique work in your community to make your government more transparent? Download our guest blogging guidelines and write a post to share your experience with us and the rest of the world.

    Interested in writing a guest blog for Sunlight? Email us at

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    Share with your friends and ask them to take a stand, too