Texas Liberal

All People Matter

I’m Donating 25 Cents to Amnesty International For Every Negative E-Mail From Houston Mayoral Candidates Ben Hall And Annise Parker

My latest post on my new blog All People Have Value is about how I will be donating 25 cents to Amnesty International for every negative e-mail I get from Ben Hall and Annise Parker in the ongoing campaign for Mayor of Houston.

We don’t need to accept a big money negative campaign from these two candidates. There are real issues of poverty and basic social justice that need to be discussed in our Great City of Houston.

All People Have Value is found on my new website NeilAquino.com. 

Please check out the new blog and the new site. Please feel free to offer your opinions and suggestions for the new site.

Thank you.

August 15, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , ,

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