Thoughts on Viernes…02222013

DC Still Supports Sylvia Garcia

OK, no surprise. I’m still supporting my friend Sylvia R. Garcia for SD-6 without reservation. Yes, I was called out by Compadre Diddie for not saying much about a Garcia e-mail. But Diddie does bring up one particular reservation he had that matches up to mine about Garcia’s opponent.

I’m not fond of of the fact that Alvarado has taken lots of money from Republicans, especially from Bob Perry and the like.

Garcia’s  newest ad is hard-hitting, calling out Alvarado on taking Republican money, but I think it should have gone much further, perhaps calling out dollar amounts.  PAC reports are due today, but we probably won’t see them until next week. So, we’ll see where they both stand, cash-wise.

Can’t wait for 2013 to really begin.

GEO Group Stadium

A Florida university is set to name its stadium after immigrant and inmate warehousing outfit, GEO Group, who made a sponsorship offer. Of course, I wrote about them last week and provided lists of Texans (D & R) who took checks from them, big and small. There is a petition to stop it, but there’s $6 million involved, so expect a defense of the private prison profiteer from the university. Football always takes a front seat to human rights, I guess.

Anybody take money from Geo Group in the SD6 race?

Music Break – The Mavericks ~ Back in Your Arms/Lies

The Mavericks’ “In Time” drops on Tuesday