
Episode #55

When the FBI Knocks: A Techie’s Moment of Truth

Do we need a Hippocratic Oath for technologists?

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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

The recent revelation that companies like Google and Facebook routinely hand over data about users' digital communications to the National Security Agency has many Americans wondering whether everything they do online is being tracked by the government. 

This week on New Tech City, host Manoush Zomorodi and producer Alex Goldmark explore what happened when Lavabit and Calyx — two companies that took a stand for privacy — were visited by the FBI.

"There was a real serious knock at the door and when I opened the door, there was an agent straight out of central casting with a trench coat," says Nicholas Merrill of Calyx. 

The experience of Merrill and Ladar Levison of Lavabit raise questions of when technologists should hand over data to the government and what a "Hippocratic Oath" for technologists might look like. 

To hear the full story, click on the audio player. 

Hosted by:

Manoush Zomorodi

Airbnb Moves to Block AG's Subpoena

Airbnb, the popular person-to-person apartment rental website, is trying to block a subpoena by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, calling the probe an “unfounded ‘fishing expedition.’”

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QUIZ: Nuclear War? Are These Real Terms of Service

Every time you sign up for a new online service, you face a choice:  do you click "accept" at the bottom of a long scroll of dense legalese that is the company's terms of service. We decided to whip out the old magnifying glass to get a better look at the fine print and bring you some of the more unexpected gems buried in real terms of service agreements. Can you guess which ones are real? 

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