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Cedar Creek Brewery

244 E. Cedar Creek Pkwy.,
Seven Points, TX, 75143
  • Brewery
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Cedar Creek Brewery is located in Seven Points, Texas, which is southeast of Dallas.
Cedar Creek Brewery is located in Seven Points, Texas, which is southeast of Dallas.

Opened in 2012 in Seven Points, Cedar Creek Brewery specializes in robust, yet approachable beers, like its altbier and pale ale, that won't ward off the novice palate. The brewery also produces a cream ale, which couples the session style with solid malts. Cedar Creek's brews are available on draft and in grocery stores. From staff reports

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    Business Hours

    • Sunday 12:00PM-6:00PM
    • Friday 4:00PM-9:00PM
    • Saturday 12:00PM-9:00PM

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