"Ebola: What It Is"

Friday, October 10, 2014


CNN’s trenchant chyron: Ebola: “The ISIS of Biological Agents?”  inspired photographer and novelist Teju Cole to pen what amounts to a fever dream about what else cable news thinks Ebola might be. Cole wasn’t able to read it for us - so we asked The Gist's Mike Pesca.

Song: Shoot the piano player, Charles Aznavour


Mike Pesca

Hosted by:

Brooke Gladstone

Comments [3]

FABULOUS. I dunno which was more inspired, the copy or having Mike Pesca do the narration.

I dunno if anyone is old enough to remember, but the black humour of Michael O'Donoghue came to mind.

Oct. 12 2014 11:30 PM

Very funny thanks

Oct. 12 2014 12:43 AM
S. from nj

This piece that Mike Pesca read made me want to turn off WNYC this morning for the first time ever. I realize that it was supposed to be a comment on the ridiculousness of people in the media (and perhaps the writers who develop their material). However, the piece falls flat because it simply comes across a half-baked comedy piece that actually backfires on itself. How about filling that airtime with good reporting about Ebola, instead of wasting listeners' time and making us think about fools in the mainstream media who we are already avoiding by listening to WNYC.

Oct. 11 2014 07:56 AM

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