The Splintering Image of the Secret Service

Friday, October 03, 2014


This week the director of the Secret Service resigned after a series of embarrassing failures were revealed to the public. Brooke examines the crumbling image of the Secret Service. 


Peter Baker, Chris Cillizza and Dan Emmett

Hosted by:

Brooke Gladstone

Comments [5]

Mary Begley from Madison, WI

What is the song played from 26:15 - 26:40 ?

Oct. 06 2014 10:28 AM
Eric from Albany NY

The clip from the movie "Guarding Tess" is very funny and pretty close to the truth as far as guarding certain former first ladies is concerned. I recall reading an interview years ago with a former Secret Service agent who was asssigned bodyguard duty for Bess Truman after Harry Truman passed away in 1972. His job basically consisted of helping her shop for groceries and picking up clothes at her dry cleaner.

Oct. 05 2014 12:55 PM
Anonymous from Austin

Although Adrian Peterson and Charles Barkley claim "everyone" does it in the South can we refrain from using the phrase "taken to the woodshed" in polite discourse, please?

Oct. 05 2014 10:31 AM
David Pirtle from D.C.

Much ado about almost nothing. Has anyone ever had such a vaunted perception of the Secret Service that this mishap shatters their entire worldview? Seriously?

Oct. 04 2014 01:17 PM
Howard M Thompson

What would happen if the Secret Service made mistakes at similar rates to the rates at which the rest of us make mistakes? It seems to me that expecting the Secret Service to be hyper-competent is not unreasonable. But, expecting them to be perfect is completely unreasonable. Which of us work for an organization that has made two or fewer mistakes this year?

Oct. 04 2014 09:00 AM

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