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Friday, October 03, 2014

The splintering image of the Secret Service, why rumors are more interesting than fact, and an atheist tome for kids.

The Splintering Image of the Secret Service

In light of the revelations of major security lapses at the White House, Brooke examines the crumbling image of the Secret Service.

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Riding the Rumor

A longtime chronicler of media misinformation creates a real-time rumor tracker called 

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Gary Webb and the CIA

In 1996, San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb published a series of articles that connected the CIA, the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, and the exploding crack trade in Los Angeles. 

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Law of the Jungle

On the seemingly heroic lawyer Steven Donziger's case against oil giant Chevron. The story was not as simple as it seemed.

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The Education Battle of 2014

The College Board's new Advanced Placement US History framework is causing controversy across the nation. Why? 

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Me and Dog

Two-time Pulitzer-prize winning Washington Post writer Gene Weingarten, an atheist, is fed up with the relentless drumming of religion into the heads of our impressionable youth.

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