• 'Court Sins'

    Rape is a non-bailable offence in post-war Liberia, but a FrontPageAfrica investigation has found that a number of high-profile cases involving foreign nationals have slipped under the radar, ironically, under the watch of a female judge at the Criminal Court E, Judge Cianeh Clinton-Johnson ...

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  • 'Weah Endorsed'

    “We now hereby resolve to endorse the candidacy of Ambassador George Weah as Senator of Montserrado County and call on all citizens of the County to rally support for his election as Senator”, statement of support for Weah by 14 Lawmakers from Montserrado County.

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  • Dr. John Taban Dada Is Dead

    The Liberia National Fistula Project of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, regrets to announce the death of one of its Surgeons, Dr. John Taban Dada.

  • Sieanyene Toose Yuoh- Katty

    This is to announce the death of Mrs. Sieanyene Toose Yuoh- Katty. This sad event occurred on Sunday, August 31, 2014. Her remains have been deposited at the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Home in Monrovia. 

  • Blanche Lawrence Passes

    The Lawrence family regrets to announce the passing of Blanche O. Lawrence. In death, she adds to the heavenly host of angels. Her service will be held on August 30th, in Herndon, VA.