For the first time ever on Barrons.COM

The New Portfolio

Provided by NextCapital

The New Portfolio is the first investment tracking platform to sync
all of your accounts while integrating Barron’s financial analysis,
along with news from The Wall Street Journal.

All you need is your brokerage login info and the New Portfolio
will do the rest.

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  • Powerful Tracking

    Set your portfolio to track by your investment goals, by beneficiary, by institution and more.

  • Relevant News

    Barron’s financial analysis tailored to your investments will be set alongside your holdings to help you make informed decisions.

  • Easy Setup

    The service automatically syncs with your holdings at any of 45 brokerage firms.

  • Privacy and Security

    Syncing with your accounts is safe and secure, and your portfolio data will never be shared or made public. Read more detail on privacy and security here.

Hover Over the Stars to See Key Features

Market Index Ticker

Get real-time updates on the markets without having to
leave your portfolio.

Track by Time Range

Filter your investment data by day, week, month, year
and even purchase date.

Performance Graphs

We make your metrics come to life so that you can
visualize your next move ahead of the curve.

Investment Table

Keeping track of your investments has never been
simpler. We list your holdings and their associated
metrics in one easy-to-read table so the information
you need is always in sight.

Investment Intelligence

We've taken Barron's financial analysis and news
from The Wall Street Journal and tailored them to
your investments, giving you the power to make
informed decisions when they matter most.