The Breaking News Consumer's Handbook

Friday, September 20, 2013 - 11:55 AM

This week's shooting at the DC Navy Yard was the latest in a long string of breaking news reporting to get many of the essential facts wrong. 

In fact, the rampant misreporting that follows shootings like this is so predictable that OTM has unintentionally developed a formula for covering them. We look at how all the bad information came out. We suggest ways that the news media could better report breaking news. This time, we're doing something different.

This is our Breaking News Consumer's Handbook.  Rather than counting on news outlets to get it right, we're looking at the other end. Below are some tips for how, in the wake of a big, tragic story, you can sort good information from bad. We've even made a handy, printable PDF that you can tape to your wall the next time you encounter a big news event.

1. In the immediate aftermath, news outlets will get it wrong.

Everyone we talked to made this point. Details on the ground will be sketchy, a shooter may still be active, all the dead may not be accounted for. "whatever you might hear in the first couple of hours after a major news event, you should probably take it all with a grain of salt," says Andy Carvin, senior strategist on NPR's Digital Desk. "It’s quite possible that what you hear as the news stories the next morning – what they focus on might be quite different than the day before."

    2. Don't trust anonymous sources. 

    Often, news outlets will cite "sources," or a "law enforcement official." "I think you need to be very careful," says Ian Fisher, assistant managing editor for digital operations at the New York Times. "[law enforcement official] could be anything from the FBI to a cop in a car. So you just don’t know and you shouldn’t really trust that."

    3. Don't trust stories that cite another news outlet as the source of the information.

    "Also be wary of organizations that blindly quote other organizations without solid sourcing," says Fisher. "They aren’t taking a very big chance in doing that. They can always say 'oh, that was them, not us.' So I think that they are a lot less choosy and careful than they would be if their own reporting was attached to it."

    4. There's almost never a second shooter.

    In the case of the DC Navy Yard shooting, the Sandy Hook shooting, and many others, initial reports included possible second and third shooters. “There’s pretty much never another one,” says Fisher. “So if you hear that, you can almost always discount."

    5. Pay attention to the language the media uses.

    Whether you realize it or not, the language the media uses tells you how reliable it is. Here's a helpful glossary:

    • "We are receiving reports" - sources are claiming something has happened, but it has not been confirmed.
    • "We are seeking confirmation" - the news outlet is confident, but still can't confirm.
    • "We can confirm" - information has come from multiple sources, and the news outlet feels confident that it can claim something as an actual fact.
    • "We have learned" - how a news outlet declares it has a scoop. As Andy Carvin says "on the one hand, it could mean that they’re the first ones to confirm something. Or they’re going out on a limb and reporting something that no one else has felt comfortable reporting yet."

    6. Look for news outlets close to the incident.

    "What you want to do is ask yourself who is close enough to this situation," says Craig Silverman of Poynter's Regret the Error column. "In an incident of terrorism or shooting or even when it’s sort of weather focused in a specific area, that’s always your preferred source. Have they actually seen it with their own eyes? Are they actually there, and do they know the area? Really, really, important." 

    7. Compare multiple sources.

    "If a news organization says 'we can confirm that such and such has happened,' pay attention to what the other networks are saying." says Andy Carvin. "Because ideally you can triangulate that information and get to some nugget of truth. But the fewer examples you have of entities claiming that something has happened, the more wary you should be about it."

    8. Big news brings out the fakers. And Photoshoppers.

    "There are lots of hoaxsters who know that in this moment people are just grabbing onto any images they can find," says Craig Silverman. "So they might Photoshop something and send it out. Or images that were taken previously find their way to be presented as if they're new. If it’s somebody who’s sharing a photo on twitter, it’s very possible that that photo isn’t one they actually took themselves. You also need to kind of triangulate and see, well, 'has anyone else shared that, and are they giving me a link that I can go to, to actually learn more about this?'"

    9. Beware reflexive retweeting. Some of this is on you.

    Thanks to Twitter and Facebook, you are a repeater and reporter of information, both good and bad. It is up to you to apply scrutiny to the information you encounter to avoid passing amplifying the same bad information you hope to filter out.

    Click the image below for your own printable PDF of the Breaking News Consumer's Handbook.

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    Comments [8]

    L W Calhoun from Atlanta

    During the Gulf War, General Colin Powell gave us a rule for avoiding issuing or accepting false news:

    “The first reports from the battle field [or any breaking story] are always wrong.”

    Oct. 27 2013 02:22 PM
    News Producer

    You can have your news NOW or you can have it RIGHT. You won't get both in a breaking news situation.

    I work in the news business, and consumers have to accept some of the blame for the "mistakes" in breaking news coverage. I put that in quotation marks, because sometimes we receive information from a reliable source, such as public information officer or a police officer on the scene, and it later turns out to be wrong. It's not anyone's *intent* to get it wrong, but as soon as something happens, viewers start demanding to know what's going on RIGHT NOW!

    Consumers call, they tweet, they post on Facebook. In an effort to respond to their demands, and admittedly, to try to beat the competition, we start asking anyone and everyone who might have information to tell us about it, so we can post/tweet/alert them. We're trying to prove that we're on top of the coverage, that they can rely on us (via our newscasts or social media or our website) to bring them important news updates.

    Case in point. We got calls from local parents about a high school on lockdown. The school superintendent tells us nothing is going on. The sheriff's office won't answer the phone or email. A county spokesperson tells us a student brought an explosive device to school. So, we go with that, with attribution. It later turns out that a student made some comments that led to the entire campus being searched, but nothing was found. Then everyone -- from law enforcement to said superintendent to our social media consumers -- starts complaining that we got it wrong, we caused a panic, we sensationalized it. The county spokesperson starts getting hammered by other agencies.

    If the superintendent had just admitted that they had a bomb threat, we could have said that and been done with it. If consumers didn't demand instant gratification, we could have waited an hour or two and put out correct information. But the bottom line is, as long as the people demand to know what's going on RIGHT NOW, the news media is going to get it wrong sometimes.

    Oct. 21 2013 12:30 AM
    Bryan A

    No. 8. "They're" not "their."

    Oct. 03 2013 10:18 PM
    Ikaika Hussey

    Enjoyed the show. Who's playing that rendition of "Blackbird"?

    Sep. 25 2013 04:49 PM
    Courtney from Lawrence, Kan.

    I mostly just ignore the news media during these kinds of breaking news events now, even NPR. It's too easy to get caught up in the immediacy and drama of it. Better to wait a few days and let actual reporting and investigating fill in the gaps, rather than speculation and clickbaiting.

    Sep. 23 2013 05:10 PM
    Josh Stearns

    It is excellent to see a simple set of reminders for news consumers. For those that want to do a bit deeper, my site "Verification Junkie" pulls together a growing directory of tools for verifying, fact checking and assessing the validity of social media and user generated content during breaking news (and any other time).

    And I have pulled together a directory of other links, studies and debates about these issues here: Verifying Social Media Content: The Best Links, Case Studies and Discussion -

    Sep. 23 2013 12:28 PM
    Brian Woods

    OTM - I rarely watch TV, but it was on the evening of the Navy Yard incident. CBS News showed an animation of the shooter, using an assault rifle. A very powerful image, and I was impressed how quickly their graphic arts people were able to generate it. Of course you know (and I happened to learn later) that it was reported that the shooter did not have an assault rifle. However that image still stays with me. News departments need to take great care in presenting early information in images, which seem to have a much longer life in memory than words.

    Sep. 22 2013 07:08 PM
    fausto chavez

    I'm only interested in facts. Cable news is horrible. That's why I have pretty much stopped watching. Rachael Maddow is awesome with her reporting of obscure subjects but she can't do anything else to prove GOP is crazy so I stopped watching because it is beating a dead horse at this point.

    Sep. 20 2013 04:59 PM

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