
On The Media

Grabbing the Gavel

Friday, October 24, 2014

A new study finds that TV ads attacking state supreme court justices during elections influence both who makes the bench and how the law is laid down. 

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On The Media

Sanity on Ebola, Money and Midterms, & #GamerGate

Friday, October 24, 2014

A Breaking News Consumer's Handbook: Infectious Disease Edition, "dark money" in midterm elections, and demystifying #GamerGate. 

On The Media

Facebook Announces Reforms To Its Research Policies

Friday, October 03, 2014

Yesterday, Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer announced updates to the way that Facebook conducts research.
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On The Media

New Delaware Law Allows Users To Will Their Digital Assets To Their Descendants

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A new Delaware law allows users to leave their digital assets to their descendants.
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On The Media

Google Has Started Censoring European Search Results

Thursday, July 03, 2014

The EU's Right to Be Forgotten law means that Google can be forced to hide links to unflattering stories about people. The BBC's Robert Peston wrote yesterday that he'd received notice from Google that his work was being censored under the new laws:

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On The Media

Online Gamers Arrested In Japan For Cheating

Friday, June 27, 2014

Playing video games online, you're likely to run into cheaters. Aimbot, wallhacks, NoClip, they can render a server unplayable. However, they're little more than a pain in the ass, and penalties for getting caught can be pretty severe, including having accounts that cost a lot of money banned from using certain games. In Japan, they'll just arrest you.

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On The Media

Cellphone Searching, Tiny Antennas, and the High Court

Friday, June 27, 2014

This week, the Supreme Court ruled on two media technology cases, one that may save the bacon of Big Broadcast and Cable, and another that privacy advocates are heralding as a win. Bob talks with Slate's Dahlia Lithwick about the impact of these decisions.


On The Media

New York Wants to Ban Tiger Cuddling Pictures

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Many men on Tinder like to post profile pictures of themselves cuddling tigers. 

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On The Media

The Privilege to Stay Silent

Friday, June 06, 2014

New York Times reporter James Risen is facing potential jail time for refusing orders from the government to divulge a confidential source, and the Supreme Court won’t intervene on his behalf. Bob talks with University of Chicago law professor Geoffrey Stone about what the situation means for the Obama administration and the press.

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On The Media

Does Arizona’s Revenge Porn Law Criminalize Notable Nudity?

Friday, May 02, 2014

[Hey TLDR folks, PJ here. Amanda Levendowski is a friend of the show and a revenge porn braniac. She wrote a nice post about how Arizona's new revenge porn law actually has pretty troubling implications for journalists, which we're re-publishing here with permission.]

Governor Jan Brewer signed HB 2515 into law, making Arizona the ninth state to criminalize revenge porn. Here’s what the law says:

Unlawful to intentionally disclose, display, distribute, publish, advertise or offer a photograph, videotape, film or digital recording of another person in a state of nudity or engaged in specific sexual activities if the person knows or should have known that the depicted person has not consented to the disclosure.

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On The Media

Patent Holders Strike Again

Monday, February 03, 2014

Last week brought us two patent troll stories.

Do you remember Lycos? It was sort of the proto-Google, and was, for a time in the late 90's, the most visited site on the web. Those days are now long gone, but patents that were once owned by Lycos are now being used to force Google to fork over a hefty chunk  of its revenue.

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On The Media

New Frontiers in Child Porn Law

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Supreme Court is weighing how much defendants convicted of possessing images of child pornography should have to pay in restitution to the victims depicted in those images. The case involves a woman known as “Amy,” whose uncle raped her when she was a young girl and circulated photographs of the abuse online. He eventually went to jail, but those photos became among the most widely viewed child porn in the world. Karen Duffin reports on Amy’s quest for restitution.


Middlesex Times

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On The Media

Revenge Porn Pioneer Hunter Moore Indicted

Thursday, January 23, 2014

UPDATE: read indictment below.

Time Magazine is reporting that Hunter Moore has been indicted by a grand jury for conspiracy to “access a protected computer without authorization to obtain information for private financial gain.” There aren't many details available and I haven't seen a copy of the indictment online, but will update the story as that information comes in. In the meantime, I've embedded Bob's interview with Moore from December of 2011 below:


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On The Media

Twitter + Libel = Twibel?

Friday, January 17, 2014

The first Twitter Libel case in the United States went on trial last week. The actress and recording artist Courtney Love is accused of defaming her former lawyer in a 2010 tweet. Bob speaks to Ellyn Angelotti, a lawyer and member of the Poynter Institute's faculty, who says the decision in this case could set a social media precedent for defamation -- and explains how the libel standard for print could apply to an 140-character format.

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On The Media

Assistant Principal Loses Lawsuit Against Students Who Teased Him On Facebook

Monday, September 30, 2013

Adam Matot is an Assistant Principal in Oregon. Last summer, he was arrested for allegedly leaving the scene of an accident while driving under the influence. Some of his students created a parody Facebook account mocking him, and he filed a lawsuit against them under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, arguing that they'd damaged his reputation by impersonating him online. 

This week, the case was dismissed. The judge ruled that parody Facebook accounts aren't illegal. Or at least this one isn't. Here's Venkat Balasubramani, from the Technology & Marketing Law Blog:

Reviewing the CFAA case law, the court says that plaintiff’s cause of action is premised on defendants’ use of protected computers beyond the scope of authorization (i.e., use in a way that “exceeded authorized access”). Finding that Nosal, Brekka, and US v. Drew all frowned upon this as a legal theory (particularly when restrictions are contained in terms of use agreements), the court rejects the claim. 

Middle schoolers of the world, please continue to tease your administrators online. 

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On The Media

National Security Letters and Gag Orders

Friday, January 04, 2013

The most serious kind of subpoena - called a 'National Security Letter' - used to have a lifetime gag-order automatically attached. That is until Nicholas Merrill appealed his and won the right to talk about it. Despite 50,000 national security letters a year, there are only three organizations that have ever won the right to say they got one. In a segment that originally aired in January of 2011, Nick Merrill tells Bob why he's the exception and the rule.

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