Who is WEPAC?

Water and Environmental Protection for Albert County (WEPAC) is a group of concerned citizens who believe that we must consciously take better care of our natural resources to ensure a vibrant future for our children. We are located in southeastern New Brunswick.

Our slogan is ‘Protecting What’s Important‘.

We are your neighbours, friends, relatives.  Just like you, we are homeowners, taxpayers, retired folk, professionals, entrepreneurs, employees, students, moms, dads, grandparents.

Several oil and gas companies currently hold leases and licenses to explore for, and extract, oil and gas in our region. We have educated ourselves and others on the impact the unconventional extraction of oil and gas will have on our communities. We have talked to our neighbours living in Penobsquis, and people from Alberta and other developed areas, met with government and industry, waded through mountains of information, sought credible peer-reviewed research in our attempts to to sift the good from the bad, the reliable from the fabricated.

As our research continued, we realized that our land, air, health and lifestyle are being threatened by this industry.
And that our very climate was in danger.

We will do what it takes to protect our health, our water, our air, our community, our investments and our future.

Will you join the 92% of New Brunswickers who believe that protecting our water quality is paramount?