
Journalism in the Public Interest


Foreclosure Crisis

The story of how one woman went from a three-bedroom home to a tent is the story of how America ended up in a foreclosure crisis that still drags down the economy. More »

Bank of America and federal regulators say the Independent Foreclosure Review is just that — independent. But documents and interviews indicate it's not. More »

The Obama administration trumpeted its flagship program to prevent foreclosures, known as HAMP. But it provided shockingly ineffective oversight. More »

Mortgage servicers regularly make errors and break the government’s loan modification rules, including giving no reasons for a loan’s rejection, homeowners report to ProPublica. More »

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  updates since last visit

Bank of America Lied to Homeowners and Rewarded Foreclosures, Former Employees Say

Former Bank of America employees gave sworn statements that the bank lied to homeowners, denied loan modifications for bogus reasons and rewarded employees for sending homeowners to foreclosure.

For Most Homeowners, Gov’t Foreclosure Deal Brings A Few Hundred Bucks

Bank regulators finally announced the details of a settlement with the biggest banks over foreclosure abuses. Most borrowers will receive $500 or less. And the details are confusing.

Feds Replace Flawed Foreclosure Review With Vague $8.5 Billion Settlement

Banking regulators admitted the Independent Foreclosure Review was a big expensive mess and shut it down. But many details about the $8.5 billion settlement that replaces it remain murky.

As Foreclosure Crisis Drags On, So Does Flawed Government Response

A look at the government's response as the foreclosure crisis enters its seventh year.

Cheat Sheet: BofA Supplied Default Answers for ‘Independent’ Foreclosure Claims Reviewers

The Independent Foreclosure Review, the government's main effort to compensate homeowners for harm by banks, is supposed to be independent from the banks. But in Bank of America's case, it wasn't.

Exec Who Allegedly Enabled Fraud Runs Chase’s Effort to Compensate Foreclosure Victims

A former Countrywide and Bank of America executive named by Justice Department lawyers as facilitating a scheme to defraud Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now heads JPMorgan Chase's involvement in the Independent Foreclosure Review.

Read the Documents Treasury Has Been Keeping Secret

Secret Documents Show Weak Oversight of Key Foreclosure Program

The Obama administration trumpeted its flagship program to prevent foreclosures, known as HAMP. But it provided shockingly ineffective oversight.

Why Florida is Sitting on $300 Million Meant to Help Homeowners

Nearly eight months after a $25 billion foreclosure settlement was announced, Florida is one of the only states yet to decide what to do with its funds.

Where Are the Foreclosure Deal Millions Going in Your State?

We contacted every state to see how they are spending the money they received from the foreclosure settlement. Here’s the most comprehensive breakdown available anywhere.

Doubts About Independent Foreclosure Review Spread

Evidence emerges that the largest banks might be influencing the determination of who was victimized by their own practices.

Is BofA’s Foreclosure Review Really Independent? You Be the Judge

Bank of America and federal regulators say the Independent Foreclosure Review is just that — independent. But documents and interviews indicate it's not.

Foreclosure Fail: Study Pins Blame on Big Banks

A study by government and academic researchers finds that approximately 800,000 homeowners missed out on mortgage modifications because of big banks' poor performance.

Big Foreclosure Compensation, But Only for the Right Wrongs

Last month, the government released information on the compensation victims of the banks’ foreclosure practices might receive. For homeowners, it turns out that it’s crucially important just how the bank messed up.

Guiding You Through the Govt’s Foreclosure Compensation Maze

The government promises that harmed homeowners will get compensated —but its programs are confusing. We help navigate them.

Billion Dollar Bait & Switch: States Divert Foreclosure Deal Funds

Under the foreclosure settlement with big banks, states got $2.5 billion to help homeowners. But a comprehensive, state-by-state breakdown shows that almost a billion is going to general use.

10 Questions – And Answers – To Help You Understand the Foreclosure Crisis

Reporter Paul Kiel answered your questions on the foreclosure crisis on Reddit.

Big Banks Slack on Maintaining Foreclosed Homes in Minority Areas, Complaint Charges

Housing advocates allege that Wells Fargo and U.S. Bank violated the Fair Housing Act by taking better care of foreclosed homes in white neighborhoods than in black and Latino neighborhoods.

Excerpt: At Goldman Sachs Servicer, ‘Total Disaster’

An employee at a mortgage servicer that was owned by Goldman describes the internal chaos that harmed thousands of homeowners and undermined the government's flagship foreclosure prevention program.

Ask Paul Kiel Your Questions on the Foreclosure Crisis

Six million American homeowners are facing foreclosure. Tomorrow, reporter Paul Kiel will field your questions about this mess.

The Great American Foreclosure Story: The Struggle for Justice and a Place to Call Home

The story of how one woman went from a three-bedroom home to a tent is the story of how America ended up in a foreclosure crisis that still drags down the economy.

Video: The Great American Foreclosure Song

Looking to get a handle on the foreclosure crisis, the loan modification fiasco, and the robo-signing scandal? We put it all in a music video.

Lack of Competition Stifles Refinance Program for Underwater Homeowners

A new report says borrowers who want to refinance mortgages under the government’s expanded Home Affordable Refinancing Program, or HARP, may not be getting the lowest rates because there’s little incentive for big banks to compete for business.

Breaking Down the Mortgage Settlement: How Far Does $26 Billion Go?

How much will homeowners be helped by the settlement? We do the numbers.

Four Whistleblowers Who Sounded the Alarm on Banks’ Mortgage Shenanigans

Whistleblower suits settled as part of the government's $25 billion settlement offer a glimpse at the kinds of behavior that ran rampant in big banks' mortgage operations.

What Do Republican Presidential Candidates Say on Foreclosure Crisis? Not Much.

Our guide to how the candidates say they would approach the housing crisis — when they speak about it at all.

Homeowners Who Negotiate Debt Relief Could Soon Face Massive Tax Bill

If Congress doesn't renew a key 2007 law, people who get a principal reduction on their mortgages or short-sell their homes could be forced to pay taxes on their "gain."

The Best, Most Revealing Reporting on the Foreclosure Crisis

Our roundup of standout reporting on the foreclosure mess.

How Citibank Dumped Lousy Mortgages on the Government

A lawsuit, which Citibank just settled for $158 million, reveals how the bank pushed risky loans o to the government's books.

Obama Housing Plans vs. Reality

Will anything come of the Obama administration’s plan for homeowners?

Will Mortgage Settlement Avoid Repeating Obama’s Foreclosure Failures?

Yesterday's mortgage settlement aims to avoid the pitfalls of the administration's floundering foreclosure program, but enforcement is again a question.

Why Millions Won’t Get Help From Big Mortgage Settlement

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae's opposition to principal reductions on mortgages means about half of homeowners in the U.S. couldn't qualify for the most significant help from banks' settlement today with states.

Underwater Homeowners May Swim Freely

Pundits argue that when homeowners owe more on their house than it's worth, they find it hard to move to find jobs. One economist challenges the very foundation of their claim.

Still Waiting for Cleanup in Foreclosure Mess

If last year was the year in which faulty foreclosures and bank errors became a full-blown scandal, this has been the year of waiting for something to be done about it.

Foreclosure Crisis: The Story So Far

Flaws Jeopardize New Attempt to Help Homeowners

The Independent Foreclosure Review seeks to compensate homeowners victimized by big banks, but key elements remain undecided, unclear or secret, while lawmakers and homeowner advocates have criticized some of the known features.

Our FAQ on The National Foreclosure Settlement and Independent Foreclosure Review

Regulators have provided a bare-bones website and frequently asked questions about the foreclosure reviews. But we thought things could be even clearer for readers, so we are providing this FAQ.

Surprise on Refi Revamp: Key Regulator Agrees to Major Program Reforms

Federal Housing Finance Agency chief Edward DeMarco had blocked earlier efforts to help struggling homeowners, but now he’s signed onto a major change to encourage banks to refinance underwater mortgages.

Our Guide to Obama’s Floundering Foreclosure Programs

The Obama administration's efforts to address the foreclosure crisis have resulted in struggling programs, recycled ideas and little chance of significant improvement.

Secret Docs Show Foreclosure Watchdog Doesn’t Bark or Bite

Documents obtained by ProPublica suggest the government coddled mortgage servicers in its flagship foreclosure prevention program despite frequent and serious errors.

One Obstacle to Obama’s New Plan to Help Homeowners: A Gov’t Regulator

Obama wants to help hurting homeowners refinance into cheaper loans, but that hasn’t gone well so far, and efforts to fix it might be stymied.

Nevada Wallops Bank of America With Sweeping Suit; Nationwide Foreclosure Settlement in Peril

By vastly expanding its suit against Bank of America to include all major stages of the bank's mortgage practices, Nevada signals that the banks' mortgage troubles will likely continue to dog them.

Billions Meant for Struggling Homeowners May Pay Down Deficit Instead

An estimated $30 billion from the bailout that was slated to help homeowners is likely to be used to pay down the debt.

Internal Doc Reveals GMAC Filed False Document in Bid to Foreclose

An internal document obtained by ProPublica shows that when one of the nation's largest mortgage servicers sought to foreclose on a homeowner last year and lacked a crucial document, they just made one up.

FDIC Chairwoman: Mortgage Industry ‘Didn’t Think Borrowers Were Worth Helping’

As she steps down, regulator Sheila Bair criticizes the industry's warped incentives, "disdain for borrowers" and the Treasury's prioritization of banks over homeowners.

Bank Errors Continue to Cause Wrongful Foreclosures

Banks continue to blindside homeowners by foreclosing when the homeowners are still awaiting word on their application for a mortgage modification.

Better Late Than Never? Gov’t Finally Penalizes Major Banks for Mortgage Mod Failures

After two years of arguing that it had little power to punish banks for breaking the rules of its mortgage modification program, the administration has decided it’s finally time to crack down. But the punishment won’t do much damage to banks that count their profits in the billions.

Profiles: Shoddy Bank Practices Continue Even After Mortgage Mods

Many homeowners have received a mortgage modification only to find themselves once again at risk of foreclosure because of errors by their mortgage company. ProPublica investigated six of these cases.

Even After Mortgage Modification, Shoddy Bank Practices Hurt Homeowners

Many homeowners have been granted a hard-fought mortgage modification only to have their mortgage company effectively pull a bait and switch.

In Fine Print, Banks Require Struggling Homeowners to Waive Rights

Some banks and others who handle mortgages have been forcing homeowners into a corner: You want a chance at saving your home? Then you’ll have to waive your right to sue.

Were You Forced to Waive Your Rights to Get Help?

As Regulators and Banks Review Foreclosures, We’ll Be Watching

As regulators launch an unprecedented plan to compensate victims of wrongful foreclosures, ProPublica will be watching closely.

Amidst Foreclosure Crisis, Proposed Budget Would Slash Housing Counseling

The recent budget deal struck between Republicans and Democrats would slash funding for housing counseling, a move that advocates say would force counseling agencies to lay off staff amid the foreclosure crisis.

Homeowner Wins Reprieve After ProPublica Story

OneWest is postponing the foreclosure of a homeowner we reported on yesterday.

Lawsuit Reveals How a Middleman Is Blocking Mortgage Modifications for Homeowners

The suit is a window into a broken system where even though the actual investors, when asked, say they want to allow mortgage modifications, the bank that acts as their representative has refused to allow them.

Homeowners, Tell ProPublica About Your Wrongful Foreclosure

Banking regulators have launched a process for banks to compensate homeowners who faced wrongful foreclosures in 2009 and 2010. Please help us report on this by sharing your experiences with our reporter, Paul Kiel.

Government Vows to Curb Banks’ Foreclosure Practices, But Enforcement Still a Question Mark

Hosts of federal agencies and regulators, along with the 50 state attorneys general, are hard at work on laying out new rules for banks and mortgage servicers. But attempts to reform this process have failed before. Will banks abusing the system be held accountable?

By the Numbers: A Revealing Look at the Mortgage Mod Meltdown

We compiled the most compelling data we could find to show how the mortgage industry and the government's main effort, the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), have failed homeowners.

Loan Mod Program Left Homeowners’ Fate in Hands of Dysfunctional Industry

The Obama administration’s flagship foreclosure prevention program has gambled on the willingness and ability of a troubled industry to help homeowners.

Despite Finding Big Problems in Mortgage Industry, Regulators’ Punishment Unclear

Federal regulators say they're going to crack down after finding "critical deficiencies" with how banks and mortgage servicers have been handling struggling homeowners. But it's an open question just what form a punishment will take.

Dems: Obama Broke Pledge to Force Banks to Help Homeowners

Some Democrats now say Obama's administration actually undermined real change in bankruptcy laws to help foundering homeowners.

Govt’s Loan Mod Program Crippled by Lax Oversight and Deference to Banks

The Obama administration’s $75 billion foreclosure prevention program known as HAMP has been weakened, perhaps fatally, by a posture of cooperation—rather than enforcement—with the nation’s biggest banks.

Homeowners Trying To Get Loan Mods: Where They Stand Now

We check back with some of the homeowners seeking loan mods who we’ve profiled over the past year.

Where Things Stand: Foreclosure Paperwork Scandal

In a scandal that's ballooned in scope since the initial discovery of robo-signers, we review the status of investigations into foreclosure fraud, how courts are handling the mess and what solutions are on the horizon.

Overview of the Government’s Programs to Reduce Principal on Underwater Mortgages

Oversight Panel Slams Loan Modification Program, but Highlights an Opportunity

One ‘Nightmare’ Mortgage: Problems From Origination Through Foreclosure

A look at one case that shows common indicators of fraud and the challenges of fighting it.

Banks Modifying Tiny Percentage of Mortgages in Need

Data show that modifications are just as rare as they were before the government’s mortgage program launched 19 months ago.

New York State Foreclosure Mediation Shows Glimmers of Hope in Helping Homeowners

New York is requiring banks to sit down with homeowners before foreclosing. And it’s slowly starting to pay off.

At Hearing, Lawmakers Ask Experts for Foreclosure Crisis Solutions

A state attorney general, a legal services attorney and a law professor shared with lawmakers possible solutions for easing the foreclosure crisis.

BofA Blames Investors for Lack of Loan Modifications, But Evidence Points Elsewhere

Bank of America’s top mortgage official plans to testify today that investors are stopping the bank from making more loan mods. It’s not true.

Gov’t Has Spent Small Fraction of $50 Billion Pledged for Loan Mods

Data obtained by ProPublica show how much has gone to each mortgage servicer in the government’s foreclosure prevention program.

Despite Praise From Banks, Treasury, In-House Loan Mods Provide Less Help to Homeowners

Banks’ own modifications typically reduce monthly payments by half as much as those made in the government program, making homeowners twice as likely to fall behind again after a modification.

The Government’s Incredible Shrinking Mortgage Mod Program

The U.S. government's effort to help struggling homeowners from defaulting on their mortgages is approaching a standstill, and the number of homeowners in ongoing mortgage modifications could start shrinking.

Amid Foreclosure Questions, Govt Loan Mod Program Continues Struggles

New numbers show the administration’s mortgage modification program (HAMP) continues to struggle, while government officials say the banks’ flawed foreclosure practices should draw even more attention to their poor record in the handling of homeowners seeking modifications.

Read: The Depositions That Sparked the Foreclosure Scandal

In depositions both old and new, employees at servicers, foreclosure-mill law firms, and other players describe how they processed foreclosures. Read it in their words.

Mortgage Investors Join Outcry Against Banks

The investors who own mortgages are starting to threaten legal action over the way banks and mortgage servicers operate.

Q&A: Putting the Foreclosure Paperwork Scandal in Perspective

Robo-signing’s just small component of a larger mess made by servicers, according to consumer advocates and attorneys for homeowners. One expert explains how the process should’ve looked.

Mod Program Falling Short of Govt’s Vague Goals

The government's mortgage modification is on pace to fall short of even the administration's vague goals, while details on why homeowners are being disqualified from the program raise questions.

Homeowner Tips for Getting Loan Modifications

Homeowners dealing with the load modification process offer some tips to make sure others can succeed.  

Loan Mod Profiles: For Some, a Modification

Permanent loan modifications can save homeowners from foreclosure, but for some, the help does not go far enough.

Loan Mod Profiles: In Trial Limbo

Extended trial periods delay answers and cause problems for homeowners looking for mortgage modifications.

Profiled Homeowner Gets a Mortgage Modification

Wells Fargo has finally given a loan modification to a long-frustrated homeowner who had feared foreclosure.

Loan Mod Profiles: Fed Up, Giving Up

A Baltimore homeowner tells why he walked away from his home rather than continue to deal with the loan modification program.

For Gov’t Mortgage Mod Program, New Numbers Show Old Problems

Homeowners still have long, costly waits in the federal foreclosure-prevention program.

Loan Mod Profiles: Delayed Then Denied, Often Mistakenly

Homeowners rejected for mortgage modifications tell of errors by their loan servicers.

Homeowner Questionnaire Shows Banks Violating Gov’t Program Rules

Mortgage servicers regularly break the government's loan modification rules, homeowners report to ProPublica.

Loan Mod Profiles: The Runaround

Many who are facing foreclosure say that paperwork errors and other problems are bogging down mortgage modifications.

The Reporting Matchmaker Is Looking for More Loan Mod Stories

Homeowners are trying to avoid foreclosure, and journalists want to tell their stories.

After Fannie Error, Treasury Issues Correction on Mod Program Default Numbers

The government's latest, promising numbers on its mortgage modification program turn out to be wrong.

New York Jumps Ahead of Feds With Law Holding Mortgage Companies Accountable on Mods

New York State has new laws to do what Washington hasn't: hold mortgage companies accountable for their treatment of homeowners seeking modifications.

Resources for Investigating Investor Restrictions on Mortgage Modifications

Our guide on how to investigate the investors' contract that governs your mortgage.

When Denying Loan Mods, Loan Servicers Often Wrongly Blame Investors

Homeowners who are refused mortgage modifications are sometimes given a reason that is false.

In Financial Regulation Bill, Increased Transparency for Loan Mod Program

The formula for testing homeowners’ eligibility for a mortgage modification will not be a secret anymore.

Loan Mod Backlogs Continue Despite Servicers’ Pledges to Improve

Loan servicers in the federal mortgage modification program continue to have large backlogs, but the administration has failed to respond with any penalties.

Help Us Report on the Loan Modification Process

What's it like to try to get a mortgage modification? We want to paint as complete a picture as possible of what the experience has been like for homeowners like you.

Survey: Homeowners Working With Servicers Often Blindsided by Foreclosures

Many housing counselors in California are seeing clients lose their homes while pursuing mortgage modifications.

Loan Mod Program Still Sputtering, Despite Attempted Fixes

No Penalties for Mortgage Company with Worst Loan Mod Backlog

Saxon Mortgage has the largest proportion of homeowners caught in modification limbo, yet has not been subject to any government penalties.

Chase Leaves Thousands Stuck in Loan Mod Limbo

Chase has the most homeowners who have spent more than six months in a trial mortgage modification.

Loan Mod Logjam Continues for 265,000 Homeowners; Failures Jump

Many who have started in the government's mortgage modification program have been in trials longer than six months.

Gov’t Loan Mod Program Leaves Some Homeowners Worse Off

Some homeowners in loan modification trials are discovering that, if they’re booted out, they owe more than if they hadn’t been in a trial to start with.

Only $242 Million Spent So Far on Gov’t $75B Mortgage Mod Program

The U.S. has spent only $242 million of its pledged $75 billion for foreclosure prevention.

Financial Reform Amendment Would Address Loan Mod Problems with ‘Homeowner Advocate’

Legislation would create a federal "homeowner advocate" office to assist in loan modifications.

Disorganization at Banks Causing Mistaken Foreclosures

Some people have lost their homes even while going through the mortgage modification process.

Have You Worked in Loss Mitigation?

Geithner Talks Tough on Loan Mods, and Backs It Up With … More Data

The Treasury secretary acknowledges problems with mortgage servicers, but offers no new solutions.

Update: Reporting Matchmaker a Success

ProPublica has matched 140 journalists with area homeowners who are trying to have their mortgages modified.

New March Mortgage Mod Data: Cancellations Jump, Logjam Continues

The government reports a big increase in the number of homeowners who are denied loan modifications.

Reporting Matchmaker:’s Got Nothing on Us

About 100 journalists have signed up to partner with a home loan mod customer, and more than half already have matches.

Reporting Matchmaker: Setting Up Home Loan Modification Applicants With Local Journalists

ProPublica is offering to introduce local journalists to struggling homeowners who are trying to get mortgage modifications.

Treasury, Ahem, Clarifies Goals for the Mortgage Mod Program

The number of expected loan modifications in the government's foreclosure prevention program isn't as high as earlier figures s

New Data Shows Loan Mod Logjam Continues; Servicers Must Double-check Denials

Check Out Our New Loan Mod Page

The Story So Far on the Gov’t Loan Mod Program

A new resource page on the government’s loan modification program puts all of our reporting in one place. The program still has

And The World’s Longest Trial Mod Is…

Some homeowners have waited nearly 10 months to learn whether their mortgage modifications will be permanent.

Chase and Other Servicers Leave Many in Loan Mod Limbo; Treasury Threatens Penalties

Mortgage services have been allowed to let trial modifications linger without penalties, but that will end soon.

New Data: See the Mortgage Mod Logjam for Each Servicer

Help ProPublica Find the Homeowner Who’s Been in Loan-Mod Limbo the Longest

Chase Denied Loan Mods for Now Forbidden Reason—Homeowners in Limbo

Chase Home Finance has rejected some mortgage modifications because it considered the owners' hardships to be temporary.

Logjam Continues for Loan Mods; Big Banks Fare Poorly, Data Show

New Treasury data show that 66,465 homeowners had received permanent loan modifications as of Dec. 31, a significant increase fr

Homeowners Say Banks Not Following Rules for Loan Modifications

Homeowners have presented more cases where their loan modifications were denied, or their trials extended, and the reasons they

Loan Mod Program Delays Even Worse for Those Struggling Not to Fall Behind

The troubles of a Florida homeowner show how the loan modification program isn’t working as it should for people who are struggl

Interactive Chart Shows Breakdown of Slow-Moving Loan Mod Program

Homeowners Getting Blame for Lack of Loan Mods, but Evidence Points to Banks and Servicers, Too

Mortgage servicers, who say borrowers have not been submitting needed documents, have their own paperwork problems.

Treasury Still Vague on Penalties for Loan Mod Laggards

The oversight of loan servicers will increase, but the "or else" still isn't specified.

Govt’s Attempt to Push Transparency for Mortgage Mods Falls Short

New guidelines will require loan servicers to give details about why modifications are denied, but some information can still re

Freddie Mac, Given Oversight of Mortgage Mod Program, Falls Down on Job

The Treasury and consumer advocates are complaining about Freddie Mac's performance in auditing loan servicers.

KNBC TV Examines Sketchy Mortgage Rescue Company

Watchdog Report Throws Cold Water on Treasury Loan Mod Celebration

Half a million homeowners have begun trial mortgage modifications, but that doesn't mean they have all dodged foreclosure.

Frustrated Homeowners Turn to Media, Courts

Many people are being denied for the federal mortgage modification program, and some are going public with their complaints.

The Foreclosure ‘Rescue’ Boom on Marketplace

A "foreclosure rescue" company unfazed by court injunctions is now the target of an FBI investigation.

Why Authorities Haven’t Stopped the Foreclosure ‘Rescue’ Boom

Unscrupulous companies promising to arrange mortgage modifications have dodged efforts by law enforcement agencies to shut them

The Secret Test That Ensures Lenders Win on Loan Mods

Mortgage servicers aren't required to disclose the formula they use to decide who qualifies for the federal modification progra

How Are Those Loan Mods Coming? Sept. Edition

About 360,000 borrowers have begun the trial period of the mortgage modification program.

Subprime Companies Line Up for Gov’t Mortgage Plan

The federal program to modify home loans is paying companies that helped bring on the foreclosure crisis in the first place.

While Debt Mounts, Couple Chases BofA Loan Mod

The government has criticized some mortgage servicers for moving too slowly on the Making Home Affordable program. A California

Bankruptcy Judges, Justice Dept. Rip Mortgage Companies

Complaints about loan servicers have soared in recent years, and bankruptcy cases are exposing the breadth of the problems.

Bundled Mortgages Pose Problems for Housing Program

Lawsuits Claiming Abuse Mount for Gov’t Mortgage Partners

Many loan servicers in the Making Home Affordable program have records of unfair business practices, a report says.

Treasury’s Loan Mod Progress Report: Read the Fine Print

How Many Modifications Has Your Mortgage Servicer Started?

Treasury Launches Shame Offensive Against Mortgage Servicers

The administration, trying to quicken the pace of loan modifications, releases information that shows which servicers are laggin

Do Loan Servicers Profit From Not Modifying?

Because of late fees, delinquent borrowers are good for the loan servicers, a report suggests.

At Meeting, Servicers Agree to Boost Mortgage Mods

The Treasury Department and loan servicers set a goal of 500,000 modifications by November.

Why Isn’t the Gov’t Mortgage Program Working?

Some believe that loan servicers are overwhelmed by the modification effort, but others think they are just not interested.

Large Bailed-Out Bank Struggles to Survive

CIT Group got $2.3 billion in government aid, but with its viability in question, the FDIC is reluctant to give it more.

Gov’t Foreclosure Program: Who Are The Holdouts?

Obama Admin to Mortgage Servicers: Do More (Please)

Mortgage Aid Targeted Most-Delinquent Borrowers First, Leaving Others Waiting

Lobby Clash Begins Over Consumer Finance Watchdog

The Obama administration has proposed a powerful new consumer protection agency, and banks are fighting to have it scaled back.

Mortgage Aid Program Continues to Move Slowly, As Homeowners Try to Hang On

Confusion, frustration and delays mark the government's initiative to have home loans modified.

Admin Considers Fix to Mortgage Program

The administration may need to tweak its foreclosure-prevention plan to address rising unemployment.

More Money Allocated for Foreclosure Relief

Dodd: More Info about Loan Mods, Please

Homeowners Seeking Gov’t Loan Mods Are Fed Up

As the number of foreclosures rises, banks are struggling to keep up with demands for mortgage breaks.

Analysts: Tweaks May Not Save Congress’ Failed Foreclosure Fix

Struggling Homeowners, Tell Us Your Story

Treasury Boasts of Mortgage Plan’s Progress, But Gives Little Info

Foreclosure Crisis: The Gov’t Response, Decoded

Obama Housing Plan Broadens to 2nd Mortgages

Mortgage Mod Update: Readers Help Us Report

Big Banks Ramp Up Mortgage Mod Program

More than $13 billion has been committed so far in Making Home Affordable, Obama's program to avoid foreclosures.

Loan Modification Update

Help Us Report on Obama’s Mortgage Mod Program

If you’ve worked for a servicer or on the Independent Foreclosure Review, contact our lead reporter.


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