Yahoo Finance


The Web’s leading financial site is a blue-chip advertising investment

Yahoo Finance is the #1 online financial news and information source across all screens, reaching 30 million people every day1. With in-depth reporting, real-time analysis and powerful partnerships with CNBC and others, Yahoo Finance features best-in-class content that’s personalized to each visitor’s interests. If you want to reach engaged, affluent audiences across screens, advertising on Yahoo Finance is a shrewd investment.

Yahoo Finance attracts highly desirable audiences 

Yahoo Finance visitors have a mean income of $95,000. They spend $1.5 billion online a month, and have 84% more buying power than the average online buyer2. With the latest, most relevant financial news, tools and information across screens, Yahoo Finance delivers key audiences:
Audience Segment Yahoo Finance Reach2
Millennials #2 online destination, with 94% reach
Affluent Households (HHI 100K+) 22% of this audience
Auto Purchasers 20% of this audience
Travel Purchasers 19% of this audience
Fast Food Enthusiasts 18% of this audience
Tech Enthusiasts 18% of this audience

Showcase your brand on Yahoo Finance

From high-impact branding opportunities to direct response placements, advertising on Yahoo Finance makes your brand relevant and valuable in a premium, trusted environment. Here are just a few of the advertising options:
  • Billboard ads: Connect with your audience through a big, bold, beautiful interactive experience.
  • Custom Executions: Catch and hold consumers’ attention with custom ad formats, dynamic creative and compelling video.
  • Stream ads: Achieve premium performance advertising at scale with native ads in the personalized Yahoo content stream.
  • Sponsorships: Yahoo Finance original video sponsorships deliver five times more brand awareness than other finance category sponsorships. Attach your brand to our popular original finance video programming like Financially FitDaily TickerJust Explain It and more.
For an overview of advertising options, please visit our ad solutions page. For a complete list of creative specifications for Yahoo properties, consult our ad specs


Millions of consumers make Yahoo a daily habit. We can help you connect with them. For advertising opportunities on Yahoo Finance or other Yahoo properties, contact your account manager or our sales team today.
1comScore August 2013,2comScore Plan Metrix, Key Measures, May 2013