Yield Management


Maximize ad revenue with effective tools that classify inventory, control which ad content runs on your site, and manage pricing

In order to maximize your advertising space, it’s helpful to be able to work directly with marketers to reach the people you want to get to—above all, those most likely to respond to specific ads. 

Publishing a site with engaging and compelling content is hard work. And that doesn’t include the time, energy and number- crunching that goes into linking ad inventory with advertisers—and plotting out complicated pricing structures based on variables like timing, page views, bundling and volume.

Fortunately, Yahoo Ad Exchange makes it easier for publishers to make the most of their inventory. How? With its user-friendly Yield Manager technology that focuses on visibility and control.

Start by organizing your inventory. This will help you direct potential advertisers to related content areas—and manage different revenue streams separately for reporting and analysis purposes.

Our media classification tool allows you to:

  • Organize inventory types by site and section
  • Assign ratings to sites and sections to describe content sensitivity
  • Use channels to depict the content of the inventory, for example "News," "Entertainment," "Gaming" or "Career"

With Yahoo Ad Exchange and its Yield Manager technology, decisions about who you offer ads to, and how you offer them, are entirely in your hands. Determine the types of advertising that run on your site with our targeting controls—and use visibility controls to decide how much info about the site (URL, Publisher ID, Site ID, section codes and channel identifiers) you provide in soliciting ads.

Meanwhile, real-time bidding lets users draw on win-rate reporting to see bid vs. buy information and determine how much inventory to make available to any individual buyer.

Don’t forget about pricing. Our reserve pricing system allows you to avoid channel conflicts—and ensure that impressions fetch competitive sums. By setting reserve prices based on inventory type and interested buyer profile, our reserve price points set a floor on the payouts you receive from various inventories, which can be changed at any time.

Manage your yield, track the results and use this technology to increase and optimize the revenue you earn on ad inventory over time. All you need is the right tools.