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VIDEO - In Fracking's Wake: Vast Open Pits of Chemical Sludge

'A lot of people are worried about the water, and about the smell, and of course what's going up into the air.'

By Eleanor Bell, Center for Public Integrity

Oct 2, 2014

As oil and gas drilling spreads across the United States, scant attention has been paid to air emissions from the waste the boom has created. InsideClimate News reporters David Hasemyer and Zahra Hirji examine these emissions in the latest installment in an 18-month investigation, Big Oil & Bad Air on the Texas Prairie conducted by InsideClimate News and The Center for Public Integrity.

READ: Open Pits Offer Cheap Disposal for Fracking Sludge, but Health Worries Mount

This video, reported by CPI's Eleanor Bell, shows residents of Nordheim, Texas, trying to stop construction of a waste facility that would be almost as large as the town itself.

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