You’re a Child of the…

You’re a Child of the…

New round here? Be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed.You’ve probably noticed that once you’re out of school, it can get a bit harder to make new friends. It turns out there’s a scientific reason for that. Researchers say there are three conditions required for a real friendship to form: proximity; repeated, unplanned interactions; and [...]

Double Your SlideShare Views in Just 5 Minutes a Day

Double Your SlideShare Views in Just 5 Minutes a Day

If you’ve worked in a typical office before, the words “PowerPoint presentation” just might prompt an involuntary shudder. Most of us have memories of sitting through those boring presentations at the office, watching endless bullet points on familiar templates, reading business strategies in Comic Sans, and cringing at the liberal use of cliche clip art. [...]

Where Do Successful Startup Founders Go to School?

Where Do Successful Startup Founders Go to School?

If you think formal education is irrelevant to startup success, you’re in good company. Billionaire dropouts are all over the news: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg all famously founded their companies after dropping out of college. And they’re not the only ones: Ralph Lauren, Simon Cowell, and Whole Foods founder John Mackey all lack [...]

Who Are the Enemies of Internet Freedom?

Who Are the Enemies of Internet Freedom?

Even though the World Wide Web is over 25 years old, we’re still in the Wild West of the Internet Age. An ever-expanding network of websites created by people all over the world, the World Wide Web is home to over a trillion gigabytes of data. The total number of websites online has just exceeded [...]

What Happens in a Twitter Minute?

What Happens in a Twitter Minute?

It’s hard to believe Twitter’s been around almost a decade now. Since it was first launched in 2006, it’s come a long way. But one thing that hasn’t changed is all the skeptics. When it first came out, many people just didn’t understand the appeal of “microblogging.” What exactly is the point? It’s not like [...]

How Wearable Technology Will Change the Internet

How Wearable Technology Will Change the Internet

Does today’s technology ever make you feel like you’re living in the future? It’s true that the Internet has revolutionized the way we do a lot of things. From the comfort of your own home, you can buy groceries, manage your money without ever setting foot inside a bank, and talk to family and friends [...]

The Rise and Fall of Instant Messengers

The Rise and Fall of Instant Messengers

Remember ICQ, AIM, and “A/S/L”? If you experienced the rise of instant messaging in the 1990s, those acronyms can be very nostalgia-inducing. But IMing with friends and strangers online wasn’t only fun and exciting, but revolutionary: though we take instant communication for granted today, the advent of instant messaging changed the way people communicate forever. Before the [...]

A Newbie’s Guide to Emojis

A Newbie’s Guide to Emojis

Have you ever sent a clear, straightforward email — only for it to be horribly misinterpreted? Maybe the recipient just didn’t catch your sarcasm, or thought you sounded snippy when you were actually in a pretty good mood. That kind of miscommunication happens all the time, and for good reason. Emails and texts make it [...]

Secrets to a Killer Viral Video

Secrets to a Killer Viral Video

Want your video to be seen by the world? You’re not the only one. “Virality” is the new marketing buzz phrase, and it seems the number one goal of every internet marketer and teen with a webcam. Professional marketers and amateurs alike know that videos are the perfect medium for viral sharing: Research shows that we [...]

7 Controversial Figures of Internet Freedom

7 Controversial Figures of Internet Freedom

In the Information Age, data is the new currency, and knowledge is power. And thanks to the Internet, we’re used to being able to access information at whim, quickly and easily — and for free. But throughout history, those in power have guarded their secrets closely. In the face of a movement towards more freedom of information, they work [...]

Can You Trust the Internet?

Can You Trust the Internet?

How much do you trust the Internet? If you’re like the majority of Internet users, you’re trusting the Internet with your life. Think about it: So many tasks are much more convenient thanks to the Internet. You can now manage your bank accounts without ever setting foot in a local branch, pay your utility bills [...]

How to Write Better Emails

How to Write Better Emails

Ever feel like you spend half your day answering emails? That feeling might be closer to the truth than you think: The average worker spends 13 hours per week reading, managing, and responding to emails. That means you could be spending almost a third of the entire work week on email! Try tracking the amount of time you [...]

Women Making Their Mark in Tech

Women Making Their Mark in Tech

Today, women make up more than half the entire workforce… but only a quarter of jobs in the information technology industry. And it doesn’t look like the stats are changing in the next few years: the National Center for Women & Information Technology reports that women made up less than 20% of computer science grads [...]

The Evolution of Chat: Stone Scribbles to Swipeable Screens

The Evolution of Chat: Stone Scribbles to Swipeable Screens

This year, the Oxford English Dictionary has added a slew of new words to the dictionary, from “amazeballs” to “YOLO.” Cue the defenders of the English language, who take these “cray” new words to signal the dumbing-down and ultimate demise of the English language. But self-proclaimed defenders of language have been bemoaning its decline for [...]

How to Remove Your Embarrasing Photos from Social Media

How to Remove Your Embarrasing Photos from Social Media

We all know the Internet is forever. That’s why you’re careful about what you tweet, picky about the photos you share on Instagram, and vigilant about your Facebook privacy settings. You’ve made absolutely sure you won’t be embarrassed by what shows up when your name is googled… Until someone else posts an embarrassing photo of you. [...]